Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Getting home I don’t know what I had just gone through. Was that a conversation? For some reason I feel like I was spent the last hour of my life nodding my head. Nodding, that is it. Just casually nodding. However, this wasn’t a casual nod in agreement, it was more of an awkward nod of not knowing what to say or do really. I am not one whose at a lost of words. That is if there is some to be sad or there is a need to speak, I will. But, here, there was nothing for me to say. There was nothing of value for to respond to. He was so awkward shrugging his shoulders and just saying he doesn’t talk things out.
There is only so much I can deal with. Looking back it is easy to judge him for the way he acted, but even then I did the same judgement, probably harder. I thought this would be the only conversation about dating and misunderstanding we would have. It wasn’t the first we had, there was one before this, but this was our first one in person.
The one before this though, was not a conversation, it was more being cornered to answer if I did like him or not. But, not even that. I don’t have words for it. Who pushes a girl to say she likes him or not and then proceed to say how they were confused by his intention. Crazy Sauce. 

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