Wednesday, March 19, 2014

“So this is your last session. How do you feel?” Corine is sitting in her chair and very relaxed.
    “That it is. It’s weird honestly.” He rubs his hands along his thighs back and forth slowly. “I can’t believe the time is already complete. I am thankful.”
    Corine looks at the table, she’s a little bittersweet to see there time has ended. She even laid out fruit for him and coffee for them. This session needed to end of a good note for her. She has enjoyed seeing the change in Chase.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Chase is sitting at his desk listening to music. He is so focused on work that he hasn’t heard anything happening around his house. While taking a moment to stretch he sees his wife walk past his office. “Susan?”
She pokes her head in, he hair is clipped up, she has a laundry basket she’s balancing on her hip and runs her fingers through her hair. This reminds Chase of when he first realized that she was the one for her. They were helping out at this event together and she was talking to the people, picking up garbage and had a tray on her hip. She saw people not doing anything and just balanced it all on her hip, raised an eyebrow and asked them if they thought to do anything or if they thought there time was better spent elsewhere. 
He loved her sassy attitude and that she was so strong willed. He still sees that. “Yeah, what can I do ya for?” She seems exhausted and worn out. Whenever he comes back he is always confused about time, what has been going on the past few days, and the mood of the house. This time is no different. Susan is tired and doesn’t want to say anything to change Chase’s mood.
“I just wanted to talk to you.” Chase gives a smile.

Monday, March 3, 2014

“Chase do you have a religion, faith, practice or anything that you hold on to? Or even just something that you have with your morals or anything?” Corine looks innocently at Chase. She hoping that there is something that can give her an understanding to why he seems to want to bring understanding to this all that is more than a court order.
  Chase just stares at her and he gets annoyed that she never shows emotion. Yes, he can tell when she gets annoyed with him, hut all he can think about is how he’s told her awful things and she has never shown any sort of emotion. Not even the slightest bit of sadness or a look of disgust what do I have to do to get her to tear or laugh or say I am repulsive. 
 “Corine, I have told you some of the worst things and you never show an emotion, either you have thick skin or a God, now I am a Christian.”
“Well, doesn’t Christ say to forgive?” Corine leans back in her chair and watches the changes in Chase’s face. He squints his eyes at first then looks around the room. He goes for the snow globe on her table and picks it up. He’s focused on this but Corine lets the silence bring a peace to the room. She doesn’t want to change or push him. 
“Yes. He does but, he doesn’t say anything really towards those who actions can’t be explained does he?” Chase only watches the ball moving in the globe. Speaking softly and slowly.
“No I guess he doesn’t.”
“That, that is what I cannot understand or give action or reason to. I walk into my house and days will pass and I cannot think of things to say, or I feel like I am talking and not one is saying anything to me.” Chase puts the globe down and sits back. Then he moves forward puts is hands on his knees and looks up. “You know, this one time, I was fighting with my wife. If was before this situation. I couldn’t understand why she was acting the way that she was. She was going crazy and screaming, I was scared. I was honestly scared of why she was acting the way that she was. I even wrote about it and make precautions with my daughter as a safety measure. I gave her a bunch of cash with a letter to keep it safe incase anything happened to me.
I go back and I read these entries and that these actions happened, that’s not me. I shouldn’t be scared of my wife. She’s a foot smaller than me. I read these things and think, what was happening? My memories are all jumbled and I know that my thoughts are not exactly what is happening.” Chase has been holding his hands and just looking at his hands as spreads them out. moves them as he talks, and brings them back together. He continues to look at them, breathes in deeply then looks at Corine. “How can I ask God to explain these things to me? I can’t follow everything when I don’t know what I’m being asked to.”
“Then are you relying on your own power to make yourself better?” 
Chase goes back to looking at the coffee table then gets up and looks at the books on her self. He’s deep in thought, wondering why Corine is saying these things? The wall seems to be closing in around him. He runs his fingers along her shelf also as a distraction or something to settle him. Some of the books are old and worn. He lingers on one and it’s a book by C.S. Lewis. He has his books at him, he wife read them, he’s read them, and when his kids were young his wife would read the Chronicles of Narnia to his kids. He can’t help but think as to why this woman is helping him.
“How long have you been a psychologist?”
“Umm, probably since I was born, it was sort of just a natural instinct I guess.” Chase looks back to Corine. He nods and walks back towards the couch but simply stands in front of the couch.
Corine watches him and he seems to be having his own conversations. “Is everyone else the problem?”
“What makes you say that?” Chase goes back towards the book shelf.
“I ask for help and support. Even understanding, but no. It’s simply too much for them.” Chase runs his fingers along the books again and this time he takes out the C.S. Lewis book. “Have you read this?”
Corine looks at the book and gives a small nod and smile. “Yes, it’s one of my favorites. When I started college my father gave it to me. It was his and he wanted me to have it.” Chase smoothes his hands over the cover, Mere Christianity, this was one of the first books he read when he became a Christian. He slides it back into the shelf and moves back to the couch.