Thursday, January 31, 2013

Last Post

Hey the last post was a story I had written for class and I thought it would be fun to put up the story. I am still working on the last story so here is more to it!

The ways I do things are a reflection of myself. Yes, I do things a little crazy, unconventional, and just seems to be ridiculous. If you had my mind and life, you would understand. However being an outsider and simply judging from a small interaction you observe of myself with another person, is no way to understand a person. When you get to know someone on a certain level it either makes your relationship stronger or there becomes a greater distance. The worst is when you know so much about a person, but there is this separation that happens, or there was a separation and a connection that was created at a distance. I’m not sure what’s worse. You be the judge, but all I know is that a connection face to face can easily be phased out. One at a distance where it’s purely your minds matching then leaving that person behind is harder.
Who knows if it is the heart that bonded or the mind with this connection. It’s hard to say. Even being in this world I can’t vocalize or understand where I stand. That is why this story has been created. Isn’t it funny when you can just share you life, it’s like your an open book. Well, words on a page that your now reading, judging my mind and my situation. Anyway, that’s enough from me. But isn’t this guys ridiculous, like ladies come one! And guys I know you need to stick with your bros, but help a guy out and talk to him about these things. Yes, guys it’s helpful to have girlfriends that you can talk to, but if all you have is girls that you bond with, then your just creating this bad cycle of bonding with a girl, she falls for you, you start to miss her, and then a new girl is in your life.
Guys, this is why girls don’t like you all the time.
Now that’s enough of this crazy girls rant. Let us pick back up from where I left you. I am home and dealing with realizing that what I just sat through was crazy and super ridiculous.
In the moment of talking to him the conversation went on to tangents of shows and movies. Yes, seems like small things but they were conversation flows that happened. Who doesn’t like a good movie? There was conversation and we were out for a while with one another, but what does that even show? That we can brush things under the rug and just go about the rest of the day? Hopefully, this doesn’t become a continuing issue. We did talk, and it was face to face which is important. Ahh I just need a nap.

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