Thursday, August 8, 2013

Suburbs Living

Coming to this place you realize that to the world we all look the same and seem to be the same. That is the furthest thing from the truth. Sure each territory has it’s check list for requirements but what does that say when the person who has everything that is said to make them succeed and apparently be the wealthiest and most successful person is the worst and has no set future. They seem like the model citizen but anyone could simply make a story for someone else's life. That what seems to be my thing. I’m Alexa and I’m a professional people watcher.
I come to this local coffee shop where I hear all sorts of things. One would think I’m a writer or some creepier person, but no. I am looking to help people. You would think in the suburbs that nothing is going on. Maybe there aren’t murders, much crime, or things to make national news, but the things that happen here are pretty incredible. Listen in to these ladies that just came to sit on the two couches by me. This seems to be their typical Friday night.
The one with a perfect french manicure, red lipstick, and chestnut brown hair perfectly loosely curled seems so candid in her conversation it’s almost like this isn’t a public place. “Tom seemed to have forgotten the rules last night.”
“I know. There is allowed to be touching between partners but he was working on the both of us.” The friend whose done up similarly but blond hair twisted to the side. She leans in to say softer, “I was being so pleased that I didn’t even notice till I heard her moaning.” Her eyes goes slightly wide to look around the cafe to make sure no one heard. Well sweetie, I heard you.
“No way!” The friend exclaims but in a whisper.
The blond nods here head and almost seems to be remembering the moment and is getting excited all over again. “He has some incredible skill. Granted he was rubbing us both while Blake was enjoying his time with the girls.”
“Well, they are fun. I’ve had my fair share of fun with them.” The friend says a she brushes her hand along her friend’s side.
It seems as though these women are doing foreplay here in the middle of the day! I can’t even continue to listen cause it’s making my mind wander. You would think swingers would be a bigger deal, but no it’s the parents who meet here for their morning or afternoon pick me up. While it seems as thought they are talking stock trades, it’s really drug prices. 
“Alexa, what’s the play of the day?” A guy wearing cut of cords, high tops, a tank, and shades where you cannot see his eyes. His hair is short but is slightly longer on the top that he keeps it parted to the hard left and small fohawk. 
Alexa gives a small smile when she hears his voice. “Hey Ryan. So far nothing major. Housewives entertaining themselves with teenage behavior, and so far no stock trades.”
“Well, it is still pretty early for that.” Ryan leans on the table with his arms cross looking around at some of the thing going on. “Now my dear, what is your delight.”
“No thanks Ryan.” She gatherings up her notebooks. Putting her purse on her shoulder and slowly walks for the door. “You coming?” She doesn’t even turn back to wait to see if he follows.

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