Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Olivia what is this? You just run out the door like a mad person and don’t say a word. What did the note say?”
“Oh you know, just an awesome gentlemen leaving a note asking me to grabbed dinner. Which he regretted not asking me for my number and left the note.”
“Why didn’t he ever ask for your number?”
“He said that he got too nervous thinking of things to say and each time he would go to say something he got too tongue tied and would mess it up. Leading to all our awkward moments of our goodbyes.”
“So you got dinner?”
“Yeah at this awesome-”
“You went on a date where the guy just leaves a note?”
“Yes. And it was great.”
“Olivia have a taught you nothing? The guy needs to be rejected first and then you have to toy with him and then give him a date.”
“Your sick! You know that?”
“How am I sick?”
“Did you not just hear yourself?”
“What it’s completely logical.”
“You are why so many nice women of America site home a lone and don’t get dates because of the horrible ways you treat guys. They are people too! Oh man, seriously that’s what you do? I need to get out of here.” Before she can even justify that hideous stuff I’m going for a walk to who knows where.

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