Monday, December 5, 2011

The house needed some work which they both were ready and excited for in their own ways. Amber thought that them spending time together would help their relationship grow in more ways then they could have thought. Michael sees this as a way to create a home that is perfect for their needs. Neither of them would think this would be the last few quiet moments in this house they have before starting the work. They signed the papers without giving a nights sleep or more discussion about what they were just getting themselves into.
When they left they both had a smile, although something seemed off about each of their smiles. Almost something unnatural. Amber smile from a pleasing that wasn’t a people pleasing smile, nor a pleasing herself. But she knew the smile came from an act of pleasing. While Michael’s smile was a smile of satisfaction almost like on after a hard days work. Though he had done no physical labor that day. Each felt uneasy in these moments but knew these feelings were just the beginning of what’s to come.
“I think this place is simply perfect for us. Just simply perfect!”
“Yes Amber, I do agree. I’m sure my mother would be quit pleased to hear that I will be moving out and getting a home for us.”
“Yes of course she will! And my father. Oh he will be so proud! Michael I am so excited. We now have the proper home for a family. You have finished all with school as I and this is simply, ahh. I’m so happy. And we should be closing soon with the wedding just after.”
“Yes, that’s how it looks. But remember I will be moving in before the wedding, getting all settled and then after the wedding is when you are to move in.”
“But Michael, why do I need to wait?”
“Because I will not have people questioning us for living together before marriage, nor do I want to taint your reputation in anyway.”
“Oh what are people to say? They don’t know us.”
“Amber, we’ve talked about this.”
“Yes, I just think it’s so silly all this waiting when we have the wedding date set, and I know we’re going to get married.”
“Because waiting makes the heart grow fonder or whatever.”
“Or whatever is right. Michael I don’t want to wait.”
“I’m not keeping you.”
Amber just sat there. She knew that Michael cared about his religion and it was something very important to him. Yes important but she saw it as always getting in the way of what she wanted. Though it is one of the many reasons of why she loves him. He’s not along with having a faith. Amber does as well, it may not be as strong as his, but she does still believe. One day she says she’ll understand but the longer they’ve been together it hasn’t cause any issues and he’s so understanding with her.
“Amber what thoughts are you trying to figure out?”
“See this is why we’re meant to be. You can just feel what I do without even having to look.”
“That or I’m so used to you getting silent only when you’re trying to work out a plan or get an answer for yourself. I’m guessing from me saying I won’t sleep with you, your either trying to figure out how you could get me to sleep with you. Or your sitting over there trying to get it wrapped around how or why I wouldn’t want to sleep with you.”
“Actually I was thinking neither. Maybe that is how it started but it was more about your faith and mine. But enough of that. No reason to get inside of my head. Now yes you will move in when we close. I still have my apartment at school with my belongings. Oh speaking of which I have to get those out this month. The new roommate is moving in and my lease is up.”
“I’m guessing you’ll need my truck.”
“This is correct. I also have my jeep so with both of us it should only be one trip. I brought a lot back when I graduated. It’s just some of my winter stuff and memorabilia.”
Michael pulls Amber in to him and holds her close while he drives. Gives her a kiss on the head and they stay like this for the rest of the drive to Michael’s parents house.

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