Thursday, December 1, 2011

Walking this way and that one can see the lay out of Warton was a perfect town. Each house having the landscape down to fit the home in which they were given rather than fit the neighbors and out doing one another. Each home had their place and personality for the people inside and the scene that surrounded them. When Michael came to this town with his fiance he was worried of what journey he just signed on for. He is two years out of a prestigious college where he graduated with honors in Business Management. Which is a very piratical degree, he was president of his fraternity for his whole senior year, co-captain for his schools soccer team, and meet his fiance Amber his sophomore year. They have been together for three years now. Being the practical one that he is, he wanted to be friends with her and know he before questioning them dating.
However Amber being a southern girl, she did not understand what all the wait had to be about. As she tells the story, she knew they were a fairy tale in waiting and he just had to open his eyes and see. Amber comes from old money in Georgia and has been raised with southern traditions and a mindset still in the 20’s where women were to be wives and have children. She was very bright and did well in school. But all it was, as she saw it, a resume to be the best house wife and bride she could be. Michael did not care for those things. He cared about what she had to offer him and the world.
They worked well as a team and Amber would follow Michael where ever he received a job. Although he would not let her follow until she graduated college. Nor would he propose till she did. Amber saw her life as the American dream and wanted to find a home that resembled that. While Michael saw his life as a working man doing what he was raised to do and to not take risk. Down this row of homes at the end of the cul-de-sac was a home with what both of them dreamed. Amber’s white picket fence, a kitchen with big windows to be able to watch their future children play in the yard, and a library. While Michael had his office, large basement, round about drive way, and a master bed room that was double the size of his bedroom growing up.
It almost seemed to come together without a question that of course this was a home they were to get together. Nothing else seemed to matter. Then the story of how this home was built melted Ambers heart even more, the old owner were now older in their seventies to making their way south to a warmer climate outside of Connecticut. The man worked hard his whole life and saved everything. Was a very practical spender never over doing it or going on lavish trips. The wife thought forever that they were making enough to get by and some months were better than others. They had three kids that went through college with no issue of debt. Then when they were on their own the husband surprised his wife with all that they had saved through the years and wanted to build her the dream house she spoke of on their third date. She could barely remember it but he wrote it all down that night and saved it all these years later. Even through the years went out to have architects draw what this house could look like. 
He was told the potential cost of the house and expenses, only making him save more. Once he has enough to build the home and still have enough saving that if something were to happen to him, his wife would still have the home she always wanted and enough to live. He even made the plans be an add on to his will so that the home would be built if he could not have it done himself.
The story gave Amber chills of all the romance, and Michael appreciate the man and hard working. Both knew they could not come up with a reason as to why they shouldn’t move into the home.

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