Thursday, January 12, 2012

“I just want to punch him in the face!”
“Monica you okay?”
“Okay I just said I wanted to punch a person in the face and your asking if I’m okay?!” She just looks at me with a judging shocked face. Then pauses and has her own moment of reflection. “Right you were here all peaceful and then walked in the crazy elf. Well I am in your home but that was not my plan! I got a phone call walking up the steps and it was this guy I’ve been talking to and he honestly just says the stupidest things!”
“Wait your talking to a guy?”
“Well I don’t know if we really are on the talking level or just friends.”
“Oh, I got you. That’s the worst phase.”
“Yeah, especially when I know just how dumb he can be about these things, like warning was given. Ahh I think it also has to do with thinking about Daniel lately, and-”
“Wait Daniel? As in guy you dated and was serious with?”
“That’s the one.”
“Beats me. I thought that him out of my life for this long and me having dealt with it all and at a peace with it, that it would just be removed from my mind.”
“Okay Monica come here, have you dated or actually liked anyone since Daniel?”
“Not seriously, more so talked to guys and was in a bored place, yes I know horrible time to start anything, but I didn’t know better. Well I did but I was bored and me bored I can’t really help my reactions.”
“Oh please, we all have been there but have you actually gone out with any of the guys that you thought you liked?”
“Umm their stance of a date or mine?”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Get it together.”
“Wow where did this directness come from?”
“I know right?! I think cause I know this is what you would say or want to hear it is just coming out. Wait you don’t mind right?”
“Chels please, I appreciate it so much.”
“Good! Now rewind, was it Daniel on the phone or this new guy?”
“New guy.”
“Someone I know?”
“You might, I don’t want to give too much detail because this truly could be all in my mind.” I probably sound like a total crazy person. Saying a relationship, no this is not a relationship I am simply talking to a person, well more so on a level of getting to know him, and myself really. “The things we talk about are things I have been passionate about and haven’t had anyone else to talk about it with. Well I have said it to other people but it has been more of a mention it and no one really is into it or understands it so I just keep to whatever else we were talking about.”
“Oh no.”
“Are you making a strong emotional connection with this guy through writing and sharing a lot about your lives that you don’t really do with anyone else.”
“The way you said it makes it sound really bad.”
“It’s not bad like a crime or anything. More since your connecting on all these things it could feel like more, with him simply making conversation.”
“You think?”
“Well have you asked his friends if he has talked to anyone else about anything you’ve talked about?”
“I have, and some of the things he has talked to them about and others not so much.”
“Monica be careful. He’s a guy and does not think all these things through. He could honestly be making conversations.”
“Hear me out.”
I give a slight pout and fall back into the couch. “Fine.”
“Alright, are the things your talking about just generalizations about your own lives and such?”
“Oh I answer this?”
“Yes, with no explanation, just a simply yes or no.”
“Okay, well yes.”
“Now when you share things about how you see your future life do you see you two doing these things together or are you just sharing things you’ve thought about doing or have done.”
“This requires more than a yes or no.”
“Then give and explanation.”
“No I don’t totally see us doing these things, it is simply things I wish to do.”
“So do you think he can or is doing the same.”
“Yes, also what made you think we talked about future events?”
“I know you, you like looking to the future and intertwining it with things you have already done.”
“Oh so you do listen.”
“Yes it is like you’ve skipped the part of the present. Not saying you don’t live in the moment but you see far into the future and things you’ve done rather than living day by day. I know day by day is insanity but even week by week.”
“That doesn’t sound too crazy.”
“It’s because it’s not!” When did Chelsea become the words of wisdom. I don’t meant to doubt her but I seem to be peoples go to person and I haven’t really gotten that from other people. I need that. I don’t see things guy as someone to be with right now or in the future but since we do talk about all these things that could easily be mistaken.
Why do I have to be such a girl sometimes. I’m staring at Chelsea now and see that her mouth is moving and she is probably still giving me advice but I truly have no idea all I can do is stare. I tend to end up in these situations, giving a personality they are undeserving of or a false build up. Whatever the case maybe. That lasted a good while. Thank goodness I did not put too much though into it or else that could have ended up being really awkward.

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