Monday, January 16, 2012

“Monica wait up!” Who could this be?
“Yeah.” I turn out of reaction and don’t see anyone. I scan all views and still no one. I keep walking with my music on.
“Monica just one second.”
“Where are you?”
“Umm your phone. You just answered it put I had you on speaker so shouting while I just finish putting these paper away so I don’t give you divided attention.”
“Oh wow I probably was hitting next song on my phone at that moment too funny. I thought you were walking behind me or something.”
“Yes because I would be walking around a college campus right now.”
“Hey you never know.”
“Does it seem like I want to go back to school?”
“Not if your life depended on it.”
“Good answer. Well what you doing?”
“Clearly aimlessly walking around a college campus.”
“Clearly, how silly of me.”
“It’s okay. I forgive you. What are you up to?”
“Slaving away at work.”
“So you relaxing on your deck with a beer.”
“Like I said, slaving away at the office, its a gin and tonic not a beer, come on Monica.”
“Oh the key word, my apologize again for mixing up your drink choices.”
“It’s okay only very few can know all these details of an aggressive work day, you are still so young with your youth.”
“Yes I still have time before drinking mid day becomes the norm.”
“Good Lord it’s only the middle of the day?!”
“Too funny, you know your the only person I know that tries to honestly live his life as though he is on Mad Men.”
“First off great show reference.”
“Thank you.”
“Second those are professionals and did hard work.”
“Yes, how could I have missed that note of them drinking in the middle of the day,  and you know them having sex with their secretaries.”
“It is okay Mon your mistake is understandable due to your inexperience. When you hit the work grind you will know of the times in which I speak of.”
“Oh well that moment I am looking forward to see how different our worlds will even be. I don’t even know what your job is. What do you do?”
“Ha, please.”
“Okay Jason.”
“So long.” I hang up before any new conversation could be brought up or Jason add any last line to make my mind question anything else about my life. Jason what an interesting man. I cannot remember how he came into my life or why he is in my life. I cannot seem so shack him. Although he has now been in my life for so long I could not image him not in it. Even though he says many inappropriate things to me and others I love the guy.
Which does seem like wondering aimlessly around campus but I am so lost. I just transfered to this school and have no idea where I am sometimes. So here I stand in the middle of this walkway staring at these buildings that all look basically the same. Well with trees of course. Oh this is exhausting trying to come up with where to do my work. I know the library but I don’t have work today and can just go home. Oh the toss up.
“Do you need help?”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry you seem to be in the middle of a thought but also look lost.”
“Oh I’m sorry trying to figure out what to do and where to go. No solid thoguht processes honestly.”
“That’s okay. Was also looking for an excuse to say hello.”
“Well you did choose wisely. How did you know I would answer and not be a typically girl from Jersey and simply ignore you?”
“I thought I would risk it.”
“Glad you did?”
“Yes in fact I am.”
“That’s sweet, and what might your name be?”
“Sorry, Mike. You are?”
“Monica, nice to meet you.”
“Monica would it be too forward to ask for you number and to grab some coffee?”
“Are you asking permission or are you simply giving a hypothetical question that has no justification to it at all.”
“I believe I was asking permission to see how weird it would be. Due to your response I can see you are more of an intellect then you seem to give yourself credit for.”
“I believe I give my wit plenty of acknowledgement.”
“Good to know.”
“Something you will clearly need to learn and wait to see.”
“I look forward to it.”
“Well here is my name and number, I must run because now you have given me help with making my decision.”
“Glad to be of help. I will give you a call for coffee.”
“Sounds good. See you around Mike.”
“Lovely meeting you Monica.” I bow out and begin to head to my car for home. Going from a conversation with Jason to Mike was like completely different spectrums.

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