Monday, May 27, 2013

“We’re here.” Johnny puts the car in park and begins to hurry out to Kristina’s side opening it up. “Come on.” He picks her up and begins carrying her to the house.
“Whoa! Wait!” Kristina is fidgeting for him to let go.
“What?” Johnny is confused and doesn’t understand what he did wrong.
“If we don’t get the bags now then we wont till the morning and out stuff will be freezing! I don’t know about you but I am not coming out here naked for clothes.”
“Well naked no. But I’m enjoying the image.” Johnny smirks as he starts back for the car.
“Ha. Ha.” Kristina crosses her arm to show how unamused she is.
“Head inside. I will mean you upstairs.”
“Oh will you now.” Her flirty tone from earlier returns.
“Yes.” Johnny begins pulling out their bags while Kristina heads in the house. She makes her way upstairs debating if she should keep her clothes on or leave that for Johnny. It’s one of the things he enjoys doing but this could be away to mix things up. Besides she did tease him on their way up. Before she could decided Johnny runs into the room grabbing her and already making the way to do as he pleases with her and what he knows she likes.

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