Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Things Are Not as They Seem

    Why would I think manhunt would be a fun game? I am not athletic at all! I am that typical girl who is not coordinated to play sports. Guys did not choose me for sports and girls who were athletic get frustrated with me in gym. I hide up in this tree specifically to not be found. I forgot that I would have to get down from this stupid thing. Maybe someone will just come along and capture me before I have to find out. That would be nice.
    Oh man! Whose below? I should move to lay down to blend into the limb. I look down and see a girl standing at the base of the tree. Great, I’m going no where. She doesn’t even look like she’s trying to find people.
    “Why would you do that?” Her voice is so faint. I can’t see whose she’s talking to.
    “I told you not to keep asking and let it go.” A guy who I don’t recognize his voice but he’s coming towards her but the branches keeps him out of my line of view. Who is that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before.
    “Don’t turn your back to me.” The sound of her back hand smacking against his shoulder brings chills up my spine. Oh this is not going to end well. Why did I have to choose a tree to be in? Hopefully this doesn’t ruin my outfit. At least I wore converse knowing I would be running and that is the closest thing I have to run in.
    “Don’t hit me. What’s wrong with you?” He turns towards her, and if she was a guy, I swear he would have smacked her.
    “You!” Her screech and shrill cry come off soaper like and heart broken I can’t decided if she’s being dramatic or this guy is really such a bad guy.
    “Fine! Then I’m walking away.” He put his hands up defensively and begins to walk away.
    “Seriously?” She is just staring him down.
    “You obviously don’t want to talk and I am not going to stand here and wait for you to just tell me what a horrible person I am or whatever it is that you say I did wrong.” Oh this poor guy. He probably knows no one here and just is dealing with the most dramatic girl I know.
    “You know what you did.” She crosses her arms across her chest and just stares at him.
    “Obviously I don’t.” The guy is now more in my view and takes a step closer. I can vaguely recognize his voice now, but I can’t pin down who his is down there. I don’t think I have ever seen him before.
    “Cameron. Don’t lie to me. I am so tired of having you lie to me.” She pushes her back against the tree and slides down to sit with her hands holding her head. This girl is clearly really into this guy. God why did I decide to hide in this tree of all trees. This is just so uncomfortable.
    “I’m not lying. Look. It’s me. I really have no idea what your talking about. I spent the whole day with you.” He goes to move next to her and sits down to hold her. “Everything was great. Then we come here with all of your friends and suddenly your pissed with me.”
    She leans forward to create space between the two of them and then looks at him. “You didn’t tell me about hooking up with my friend.”
    “Hooking up? This is the first time I met any of your friends. If someone says I hooked up with them, maybe I did. I can’t say yes or no.”
    “You can’t say yes or no?” She gets up to walk away.
    “Yeah. I didn’t get a good look at who your friends were. The one guy I knew because he played a sport with my brother, but as for the rest, I don’t know. It’s not like I just go around hooking up with everyone. So for me it’s a no.”
    “She said you guys did.” She crosses her arms again and just stares down at him. Oh this sappy girl, guy drama is annoying especially when I can’t make out who the people are. Stupid branch. Stupid drama. Just why did they have to go under this tree. I begin to reach out moving it slowly.
    “Ahh!” Oh crap!
    “Oh my goodness! What are you doing?” They’re both standing looking at me now on the ground where to them it probably looks like I just died.
    “Umm, hi guys.” I croak out and begin to push myself up. “Well, interesting night.”
    “What were you doing?” Michelle looks at me with a mix of embarrassment, anger, and confusion.
    “Well, we were playing man hunt. I hide in the tree.”
    “You were there the whole time.” Michelle just looks horrified now.
    “How long is the whole time?” The guy looks a little uncomfortable now too. It’s not my fault they choose the tree that someone fell out of.
    “Oh God!” Michelle just throws her head back and puts her hands to her ears. Really? That’s going to help this situation?
    “Michelle calm down. Hi, I’m Cameron. I know the timeline is apparently crucial but are you okay?” He leads a hand to help pull me to my feet. I use it and brush the dirt from my legs and arms.
    “What do you mean?” I stare at him confused.
    “You just fell from a tree. That’s a good fifteen feet.” Now he just stares at me like I’m retarded.
    “Oh right. Embarrassment has taken over my mind.” Oh crap. I should be injured right? A normal person would be. I don’t feel any pain. I give myself a scan and don’t see any damage. “I think.” I move my limbs and neck, “I’m fine.”
    “Just to be on the safe side I think we should carry you to the base. Michelle will you help me.”
    “Yeah a person falls out of the tree. That’s convenient for you.” He hands just stay crossed  and she gives him a judging look.
    “Shut up. I know this doesn’t count as a capture but what are we supposed to do when we get someone?”
    “We bring them to the back porch of the house and there is a jail set up.” Michelle starts walking.
    “That works.” Cameron than lifts me up with ease. He’s pretty comfortable doing this.
    “Michelle where did you find this kid?” I turn to look forward at her walking ahead of us.
    “I was about to ask myself the same thing. Cameron you can bring her back and I will go get the first aid kit.”
    “Will do.” Cameron starts walking slightly slower.
    “Thanks Michelle, and Cameron it’s nice to meet you.” I turn and smile back at him. He comes to a stop now and holds me with firms hands.
    “Right.” When Michelle is suddenly out of ear shot Cameron seems to be looking around like he’s not sure which house he’s suppose to take me to. “So your not injured?”
    “Weird right. Do you know where we’re supposed to go?” I begin getting uncomfortable feeling his arms getting tighter and one slowly moving up and down my thigh. “I think I can walk.” I start to shift my weight for him to release me.
    “Don’t push yourself.” He says in a soothing voice with a hint of aggression. “You might have an injury you don’t notice yet.
    “No really it’s okay. Thanks Cameron.”
    “No.” His arms are tighter as I begin fighting him off. “Stop!”
    Cameron drops me from my flailing. I see his arm raise then it swings in and hits my face. Everything goes dark but I can still feel his hands holding me down. I am trying to fight back but my senses are all out of whack. Am I looking up? Is my face in the ground or has that blow made me blind? I begin to get feeling in my arms to fight back.
    “Calm down. I could tell you wanted this.” He’s working to get my belt undone.
    “Please stop.” His hand moves to cover my mouth. I can see again so it was just his hand over my eyes.
    “Oh so your a fighter.” He begins kissing along my neck. I keep pushing him off but he’s way stronger than I am. My kicking has caused my converse to come off. My bodies going limp and everything is now blurry.

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