Monday, July 22, 2013

Family Ties

    Once a month Ryan and his sister have a breakfast date at Ryan’s apartment. He moved out about three years ago and since she has been commuting to college they made an agreement that this would be a standing occurrence. Lately Ryan has not been so consistent with making the plans if there was something with the family or a group of friends, but he could not cancel their breakfast date. They both have been pretty quiet, which is far from normal when the two are together.
    Ryan looks up from his food and sees Cassi, his younger sister, glaring at him. “Why are you giving me that face?”
    Cassi leans forward and scrunches her face a bit. Stares back at Ryan unsure of what he meant. “What?” She says slightly defensive and hunching her shoulders widening her eyes for him to get the message of confusion.
    “That face. Like your trying to read my mind or you want to say something but you’d rather have the conversation with yourself.” He goes back to looking at his food and eating.
    “I don’t know what your talking about.” Cassi gets up from the table taking her plate with her.
    Ryan does not believe Cassi and does not hold back his tone in his answer. “Right.”
    Cassi stops and turns towards Ryan and gives a second for his answer to sink in. “No seriously. ‘The face’” She raises her one eye brow proving that she’s made a point of saying there is no face and he’s crazy. “That’s ridiculous. I was just thinking. It wasn’t directed at you.”
    “Cassi. You were staring at me like you were trying to read my mind.” He just stared at her waiting for a response. No came. “Why were you giving me that face?”
    “I wasn’t trying to read your mind Ryan.” Cassi puts her dishin the sink and begins to walk away.
    “Then what?” Ryan stares at Cassi thinking she’ll give an answer or at least some sort of excuse but she just comes back o the table and pulls the magazine she was reading closer to her face. The pages begin to fold back and before she can cover the name Ryan catches a glimpse of the title. “Cosmo! Seriously? Man Cassi, you don’t ask your brother questions from Cosmo. Boyfriend? That shouldn’t even happen. That’s something you keep between you and your little friends.”
    “Shut up! Ryan I was just thinking about something. I never said I would ask you. That’s weird.” She begins getting defensive but in a softer tone. Whatever was on her mind seemed to genuinely hurt.
    Ryan can sense she’s hurt so he begins to lay off. “Well, were you wondering if I have done whatever your question was?”
    Cassi just stares at the magazine now flipping through the pages. She seems disinterested in what she’s reading but there is something pressing on her mind. “No.” She says quiet as if a drop it, and she knows that Ryan will say nothing else about it.
    “Okay.” Ryan goes back to eating.
    “Yeah. Ryan you also don’t understand you don’t live at home anymore. You moved out after college, got a job, and you’re on your own. Listen. I am about to graduate. I had to help pay for school. I didn’t get the help from the parents like you did. You graduated with a cushion and could do whatever you wanted. You did class, your frat, and got the job you wanted. You didn’t have the struggles like I did.”
    “I know things weren’t the same. Not my problem.” Ryan’s done eating so takes his plate and heads towards the sink.
    “You know, you can be such a jerk.” She stands up to leave the room but turns back, “Ryan, just because you were given all that money, you didn’t have to work for it, it’s not right to keep it all to yourself. You don’t even acknowledge it was given to you. Sure it was a gift, a blessing from the parents, but it wasn’t a right.”
    “Cas, I got it. Stop coming over here to give me a lecture of how I am the bad guy in this situation. I told you I would help you out with school.” Ryan’s voice is stern and not in the least bit caring towards Cassi’s situation and their differences. He’s set and that’s what matters.
    “Yeah. With strings attached.” She turns and heads to the door.
    “Nothings free.” He says coldly turning his back.
    “Funny coming from you,” Cassi says calmly back with a strong attitude behind it.
    Ryan slames the plate in his hand into the sink making his way towards the kitchen door frame of the living room where Cassi is standing by the door. “I helped you! What did you pay for everything on your own? No! I helped you get to where you are.”
    “Bull!” She slams the door and turns toward Ryan shouting. “I came home from school because we couldn’t afford it, I got a job on my own, I paid my bills, and helped the parents when I can. Don’t give me that crap. Dad helped. Where were you?”
    “Working.” His tone is so cold and heartless it gave Cassi chills.
    “Yeah right. You got a job that you barely half assed, causing more issues for the family and almost ruined a business that has been around for twenty years. You know what screw-”
    Ryan hits hi hand against the frame of the kitchen door. “I half assed. Who helped?”
    “Not you!” Ryan throws his coffee from the table against the wall almost hitting Cassi.
    “Get out! I half assed? No! You guys are the worst. I moved out so I wouldn’t have to put up with this crap anymore. You guys are the ones who decided to stay. I didn’t. You’re not my issue anymore.”
    “Fine! It’s not like you ever helped anyway. Stay here. One day you will wake up wondering where all your friends are and why your family doesn’t talk to you. You cut everyone out who doesn’t tell you just how awesome and fantastic you are. Cause right now your just a douche.” Cassi heads out of the door. But first adds, “remember when we called you out? We said hey, if you keep going like this you are going to end up alone. Enjoy your money. I hope it’s good company.” Cassi slams the door as she walks down the steps to her car closing that chapter on her life.

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