Thursday, July 18, 2013

Musical Connection

    Matt’s most bizarre night of his life began in a ballroom. Yes, high ceilings beautifully painted like the sixteen chapel, high glass windows, chandeliers, the works. A girl would feel like a princess. However this is Matt’s story. He felt like James Bond. He wore a tux, ordered a martini, and would occasionally look at his watch, it was the nicest one he owned.
    People were dancing. They had rhythm and moved across the dance floor gracefully. Matt gazed at them for a while, his mind seemed to be figuring out how they moved with such ease. The only dancing he knew was grinding. If you could call it that. The music that was playing was not classical or slow moving. It wasn’t club or electronic. It was a medium that he had not experienced. There was an orchestra with violins, flutes, guitars, drums, he had not heard any of them be played that way before. The sound echoed off the ceiling and danced around the room. He knew that standing in the right spot it all came together one note at a time.
    Matt went to school to be an architect so he moved around the room to find that spot. He became lost in the search. Without realizing, he was standing in the middle of the walkway with his eyes closed.
    “So, do just close your eyes in the middle of a room normally?”
    “Umm what?” Matt opens his eyes to see this girl with dark hair, barely any make up, in a dress, staring at him. Her right eyebrow is raised, her left hand is on her hip and other is holding a glass of wine. Her lips proceeded to move, but Matt have no idea what she was saying. He was so focused on why this girl just came up to him and started talking. She doesn’t even know him. Her lips stopped moving and her head was slightly tilted to the right.
    “I’m so sorry. I’m just distracted. I’m Matt and you are?” He puts his hand out like a gentlemen. He waits for her to shake it and for them to be properly introduced.
    “Rachel.” Her hand goes for his and she lightly shakes it but quickly lets go crossing her arms and tilting a little away from Matt. “Did you honestly just stare dumb founded at me that whole time?”
    “I wouldn’t say dump founded.” Matt’s tone is a little put off. “More I was doing something and still focused on that.” There is no confidence in his voice which just makes Rachel smile at his innocence.
    “Doing something?” She lets out a small giggle. “You were standing here in the middle of the room with your eyes closed.” Rachel gives a sarcastic attitude at his ridiculous response.
    “I’m sure that’s just what it looked like but come closer.” He extends his arm, as if he wants to pull her closer towards him.
    Rachel begins to take a step back and move her hand from hip to make a stop sign. “Whoa buddy. I was just seeing what you were doing, not hitting on you.” Rachel begins to turn to walk away.
    “Way to jump to assumptions.” Rachel turns back around. Matt gives a slight judgmental face and body gets defensive as does his voice, “I was going to have you stand where I am.” Matt begins to slowly move for Rachel to take his place.
    “Alright, if that’s how you get your kicks.” Rachel stands in his place and just stares at Matt. “Okay, now what?” Clearly not amused.
    “Don’t you hear the music clearer?” Matt just looks at her waiting for some sort of response or reaction.
    Rachel stands up straight, shuts her eyes and a smile begins to move across her face. She begins to hide it hoping Matt doesn’t catch it.
    “See I told you.” Matt smiles giving himself approval.
    “That’s pretty beautiful.” All Rachel was willing to give was a small smirk as she slightly turns from Matt to look out to the crowd.
    “Yeah the way the buildings arches, it allows sound to funnel down through the room which creates this effect.” Matt is pointing to the points that he’s talking about as if it was some sort of lesson or lecture he would be giving to students.
    “Oh, so you build things or just some sound engineer?” Rachel turns to face Matt.
    Matt gives a slight chuckle. “You might say that.”
    “I just did. But you didn’t choose either.” Rachel slightly shifts her hips to add attitude to what she just said.
    “Well there you go. I build things, well I went to school for that. What brings you here Rachel?”
    “Meet a guy with his eyes clothes, take him on an adventure and abandon him.” Rachel takes a sip of her wine and begins to scan out the room.
    “Well happy hunting.” Matt goes to move down the walkway but before he can plant his foot Rachel is pulling him out to the dance floor.
    “Do you know this dance?” Rachel is leading and seemed to be one who likes control.
    “I don’t.” Matt is looking at the other guys on the dance floor to follow so he sees what he should be doing.
    “Good.” Rachel begins leading Matt across the dance floor and then out of the ballroom. “Those things can get so stuffy. I was bored before I even arrived.”
    “Oh really?” Matt comes back in an unbelieving but flirty tone.
    “Yeah. Like honestly who can care about some guy getting an award for giving money to the needy and creating a space for them to get jobs. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is truly great what he’s doing, but so many people do that, and they aren’t wealthy. It’s just that this guy has money and a well known name that they’re doing this.” Rachel is gesturing with her hands in big arches to emphasis the whole ridiculousness of this event.
    “Oh. Yeah what a guy. I’m sure he even demanded that he get an award and that’s the only reason why he did it.” Matt finds humor in what she’s saying and decides it’s better to play along with her while she rambles on.
    “Yeah! Exactly you get it. Like he knows what an honest day of hard work is.”
    “Yeah, you tell him.” Matt does a little job like he’s an excited member in a crowd at a rally all for Rachel.
    Rachel laugh then stops and seems to realize something. “Wait.” She gives him a once over, “why do I recognize you?”
    “I’m the guy whose never worked a hard day in his life.” Matt begins to walk ahead of Rachel down the front steps.
    “Damn, I know how to pick them don’t I?” Matt just smiles as she stands in place still shocked she said all that to him. “I’m sorry.”
    “Hey it’s your honest opinion. Now what was this adventure you wanted to do?” He stops and turns to look up the steps waiting for her.
    “Well, Matt follow me. I guess you don’t need that award.” Rachel begins to strut down the steps.
    “Nope. Besides I have so many servants there that one could just bring it home for me anyway.” Matt tosses his head back and puts an arm bent behind his back as if walking like royalty.
    “You’re just so funny!” Rachel claps her hands together and pulls them into her face to come off as an admirer.
    “Is yours?” Matt pauses and is a little confused.
    “Yes. You coming?” Rachel jumps up into a carriage and looks back waiting for Matt to join.
    “I guess so.” He shrugs and begins to step up.
    “You guess?” Rachel stands at the door way of the carriage to block Matt from entering. “Now Matt, life is about taking chances and seeing what will happen. If you guess then I might as well leave you on this curb while I get in this carriage and see where the night takes me.”
    “Okay.” Matt clears his throat. “Where we headed?”
    “Getting a little better Matt. Now lighten up. I am about to change your life so hope in.” Rachel plops down on the seat and pats the seat next to her to show Matt where he’s to sit.

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