Wednesday, November 3, 2010

“Alexa hurry up! Why does she always take so long. We told her yesterday what time we were going at, I even called her three hours ago to make sure she had started getting ready so this wouldn’t happen.”
“Summer calm down. She take forever cause she went to school for fashion so she needs to always make the world known of that.”
“True. Oh how did things go last night with Austin?”
“They didn’t. I got held up at work and had to work late so told me I couldn’t. Surprisingly he asked to go out again. Normally when I do that. Well I shouldn’t say normally. When I use to say that I couldn’t he would get mad and just call another girl but nope. He was texting me through out the night seeing how work was going and he was with the guys for a poker night.”
“Wow. Still don’t trust him. Are you sure he doesn’t have a twin brother out there who is just pretending to be Austin?”
“Oh funny.”
“Guys come on we have to go.” Alexa just blows past us on the stairs to the door while Summer and I stare at each other. We should not be surprised by this anymore. This happens every time. We wait around impatiently then she storms down and wants to leave right away. If we did that she would just leave. I’m not talking about the leave as a joke and still wait. Oh no she would say, ‘I’m ready. We’re leaving.’ Then she would leave.
“It’s like night and day. Guess we’re going. Ready Summer?”
“Does it look like we have a choice to be ready.” Summer darts her eyes in the direction of the door and there is Alexa pulling it open. “Alexa your driving?”
“None of us are?”
“I’m not walking across town in these shoes!” Summer always forgets when it is Alexa’s turn to be the driver she will order a town car or some sort of driver so that no one will drive and she could have as good of a time as she wants.
“Let’s go Summer.” I nudge her to the door. We get out in front. To my surprise not town car, limo or form of transportation.
“Alexa where’s your car?”
“Don’t be silly you know I don’t have a car. I hate driving.” Alexa starts walking towards the street. Not in a I’m going to hale a taxi kind of way. More of I’m on a mission. Summer and I stood there frozen. Were we suppose to follow or was this some kind of joke? Alexa turned and kept walking the corner

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