Monday, November 1, 2010

Amazing I was not left waiting. When I got to the bar Austin was already there and drinking water. I had to do a double take. Then he gave me a hello and talked with me instead of at me. I could not believe this was the same person. We have been broken up for about three months now. He told me that he had changed. But still could not give in. He asked to hang out again. Thought I have heard that many times so I said sure just give me a call. Which is a normal ending to when we would see each other. I would normally be the one to call and him being his usually self. I did not expect anything so just nodded and said sure.
To my surprise the next day he actually called like he said he would. However the mystery boy from Jersey called and I already made plans. This could get interesting.
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Sadly Jersey boy did not remain a mystery when I saw him. His name had been deleted from my phone book when we stopped dating after my freshmen semester and deleted I wanted to keep it that way. However drinks are harmless and I have not seem him in two years and a lot can happen. I know my world has definitely changed.
Waiting is honestly the worst. Why do I always have to be on time or a little early. Some things you just need to come late to but I have never been good with that. I hate being late. Sudden I feel someone putting their arm around me, my New Jersey instincts come through of about to punch with I realize its Jersey boy. “Oh my goodness hey! Don’t you know not to surprise people from Jersey. It could get you punch.”
“I had to take my chances. See if your still slapping people.”
“Oh those days. The last time I slapped someone was my freshmen year of college when a guy was being an uncalled for ass to me.”
“Who me?”
“Well should have been you but no.” I give my sly little smile and sip on my drink. The old feelings aren’t there it is just slightly weird thinking of where out life was to where I am not. Not sure what he’s done or why he’s here. “How long have you been living here or are you just visiting?”
“I have been here for about a week actually. My first night here was running into your friends on your 21st birthday celebration. You looked like you were having a good time.”
“I was. Wow only a week. Did you transfer or something?”
“No. Got a chance to move out here with some people from school. I wasn’t really enjoying it and had just broken up with my girlfriend of the past three years basically so wanted a change. It was also hard staying there, home she had been, we visited each other every weekend of school so I just need out. This was my way out. Parents not paying for anything. In a world where no one knows me. A fresh start. That’s all I needed and wanted. Plus I have always heard good things of the area and came here a few times through out school and figured why not.”
He has always been a talker. Just wondering when he’ll stop or if he has changed at all. So far, still the same. “That all sounds good. Sorry about you and your girlfriend. Everyone was beginning to think you both would just get married.” Well actually no one thought that you just told everyone after a week of dating this was who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
“It happens. I was always relationship driven when I got in that and also jumped into things after everything so I wanted to forget. Then spent the time figuring out why I was in this relationship. Never got my answers so ended it.” It was almost something clicked and realized there needs to be two sides for a conversation to last. “Enough about me though. How long have you been out here?”
“I want to say going on a year. A job opportunity came from my internship that also said they would pay for my schooling while I worked for them so I jumped on it.”
“Well congrats where are you going to school.”
“UCI. Its pretty good. After freshmen year I actually visited it. Never thought I would wind up going to school there and graduating from it in the spring.”
“Oh wow your already graduating?”
“Yes I came in with enough credit, did a bunch of summer school classes so that I could. I enjoy school, but love working so much more.”
“You’ve always enjoyed working.”
“Enjoyed isn’t even the word. First job did not love but after that I have loved them all.”
“That’s good.” Jersey keeps nodding his head not sure where to take the conversation to. However I am a master of conversation. But I want to make him a little uncomfortable to going to drink my drink. Oh this worked out too perfectly. While drinking my drink I see over Jersey’s shoulder Austin. Like I said this is going to be interesting.
“Yeah I have enjoyed it. This place is nothing like New York City but I’ll take it. Plus gives my parents an excuse for a vacation.”
“Oh how are your parents doing?”
“They’re great. They-”
“Hey you.” I turn slyly over my shoulder to see Austin now resting his arm around me. I turn give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and just smile.
“Hey. What brings you here?”
“What do you mean I’m here all the time.”
“No your not I’m always here. I introduced you to this place.”
“Okay your right.” Austin throws his arm up in a playful way of back off and you win. I love winning. There are very few things that are better.
“Oh well this is rude of me. Austin this is a friend of mine from New Jersey.”
“Hey man it’s nice to meet you. Mind if I join you guys.” Jersey still looks confused so I figure I will not let this continue.
“Actually this is our first time seeing each other in a few year so mind if we catch up? But we are still of for tomorrow right?”
“Oh wow sure I’ll let you guys continue. She’s a great girl this one.” Austin adds in while giving me a hug that seems more of a stand this is mine back off to Jersey rather than out of love. “Tomorrow night I’ll pick you up around 7, and we’ll go to the new place that just opened.”
“Sounds good. Isn’t there a wait of months for that place?”
“Not when your me. Have you forgotten what my family does for a living and what I do. I may of changed but that part wont.”
I give him a little playful giggle. Smile. “Alright Austin I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good. It was nice meeting you man.”
“Yeah you too.”
“Should we get another round?” I don’t think Jersey new he even finished his drink or what to say next. Either I have just gotten myself into some serious trouble or some serious fun.

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