Monday, November 15, 2010

Down by Joy’s apartment they just put in a small office space the company that she used for putting her daughter up for adoption. Everyday she walks past it being reminded of the day she meet in their office to say good bye. I wonder if they have the same couches in the back room? They were yellow with flowers, you sunk into the couch and it made you feel a sense of bliss. Perfect when you are far a long in your pregnancy. I would feel so stressed out from not being at work and losing my support system. I never thought of adoption. Goodness why they have to put this in. Joy walks off to get her food in the organic shop she gets all her food from. Without this place she would honestly starve. 
What did I have last night? “Joy is that you?” I know this voice. Joy picks up her head to see a girl she had gone to college with. They were in the same sorority and even were roommates in one of their satellite houses.
“Michelle? Oh wow, oh are you?!”
“Good, I actually have been crazy busy with life you know. Wow it’s so good to run into a familiar face, I just moved here.”
“Oh where?”
“I live actually just across the street. All I really know is this shop and how to get to my job. I was living in DC after we graduated but then got laid off so now I got a job here. The job gave me a place until I find one of mine own, which might be across the river since I see the bill and no way could I keep it.”
“New York taxes, all I can say. I live actually about a block up. We should get together for dinner sometime and catch up! There are a few girls from Zeta here and we get drinks on Saturday or Friday’s, depending on how stressful the weeks been.”
“That sounds wonderful. For now I will agree to catching up. I could actually do coffee, rather than drinks. I just don’t know my way around yet so day light is my friend.”
“I totally understand.”
“Well here is my card with my number, cell, and email. Give me a call tomorrow about when would work for you.”
“Oh I would love to. Oh it was so good seeing you!” The two embrace and part ways. Michelle. Wow what a wonderful girl. She went to Georgetown with me, she was from North Carolina and was so humble and basically a southern bell. Georgetown changes people, well those not used to that environment. Not her though.


  1. hello Rebecca. I think your other blog requested comments about your writing. There are a few misspellings here & there. also curious as to what you read - what your influences are. and how did you find numbbenign. I just stumbled across you this evening.

  2. Yay your my first comment ever! I found numbbenign by hitting next blog and they appeared. I do appreciate the comment a lot and so sorry it has taken me so long to respond but I just saw the comment. Thank you for picking up the misspellings. I honestly type the story and post.
    With what I read, it's a big mix. I've read almost all of Jane Austen's books, right now I am reading Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult.
    How did you come across my blog?

  3. Howdy -

    I can't remember just where I found you - I think maybe you had posted a comment somewhere and followed it here. Have read some of your stuff, but it's been a little while since I came back to see what you've written. I would suggest you check out the goodreads site through google. If you're not already a member, check it out. It's pretty much everything about authors and books - lots of groups to join and talk about literature. I'm in the poetry group - post quite a bit there. It's an excellent site to work on your writing. You've gotta have thick skin, tho.

    Do you read much poetry, too? I don't remember you posting on numbbenign, but saw that you were following the blog. Do you write poetry?

    Well, good luck. Will talk to you soon.

  4. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to your comment! I was suppose to get email notifications when someone commented so I could respond right away but it never went through. I will check out the goodreads, that you for sharing that with me.
    I do write poetry from time to time. My photography tab if you go to it actually is combined with poetry. I generally take my own photos and will have a poem go a long with it. The poems normally just come to mind when I see the photo and I post it, not much editing, which I need to get in a better practice of doing.
    I try to read poetry just have not found authors that really speak to me yet. Do you have any to recommend?

    Again that you for commenting!
