Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Story!

So that ends the tale of Olivia and her boy drama. For my next story I shall be mixing it up and writing about something I've never done before so hopefully you shall enjoy! I will most likely be posting the first part tomorrow due to needing to write more. But hope you enjoyed the last story!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A few weeks have passed since Kyle came to my apartment. I didn’t need to speak with him. He spoke to me saying that he really cared about me but didn’t think we would get far. He knew the desires I had in life and what I wanted to accomplish and all that I could do, and he knew he could never make me happy. He would settle and I would ultimately settle wondering a what if of my life. Sad to think he saw all this. All that he saw my life to become and were it could go, and I didn’t even see this in myself.
Kyle maintained my good friend. Now I did not have to think of those what ifs anymore. Not it’s only a this could have been. A could of love story. Yes, but a ending of hating a life that would come. I told him about Nathan. I knew he had a right to know. I also explained that I wished so badly that we could have been what I saw. But that’s it life is not a story that I can write. It has almost already been written for us by God and we veer off and write our own footnotes to what he sees and wants for us. I hope I’m living the life that he’s chosen for me.
I’ll just have to wait for the next train to come or long walk to either see Nathan or another one like Nathan. Guess this story wasn’t always mine to keep.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

“So Liv how does it feel?”
“What feel?”
“Playing two guys?”
“You totally know you have Kyle hope for you too.”
“No I didn’t”
“Are you naive?”
“Goodness you are!”
“Seriously? No I am not, he’s a friend!”
“Do you see the way he looks at you? He’s quiet and wont say it to you but you deep down inside that he has strong feelings for you. And knowing that you don’t want to loss that! You will simply ignore all the warning that your heart and mind are telling you to stop and keep this going. You going to end up hurting him and yourself.”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes you are. Olivia look at me and tell me that you don’t think he has any feelings for you.”
“I can’t-
“So you believe that he does and-”
“No! I don’t know if he does or doesn’t. He has never told me. You can show me all you want but that doesn’t do it for me. I can question and pick up and analyze hints all they want. But I can’t tell. I cannot go on showing. I need to be told.”
“He’s never told you how he’s felt.”
“No. And the way he goes about stuff is either we’re making plans as friends or just end up doing stuff.”
“Oh Liv, you need to talk to him.”
“And say what? Hey I think you may like me but I know for the life of me we could not work in any way no matter how hard you tried and no matter how hard you cared?”
“Well may not like-”
“I can’t say it any other way. Even with me trying to dance around the subject it will simply come back to that. I care for him deeply and know that he’ll always be there as a friend to me and I can talk to him. I do care and I thought I had those kind of feelings for him. But going for so long with no reciprocation or action, what.. I.. I don’t know what to say or what to do. All I know is Kyle had his door held open for extended time, it close and then he was even given a window. But winter came and it needed to be closed so I could be kept warm.
“Do you hear me? I waited for so long for him to do something and it was me doing what he should have. That was not at all how I was raised. My father taught me better. He raised me better. But me being the way I am and seeing so much potential in all of this... All that I mean... I put that all a side and only saw the future. Seeing where we could have gone. But I have a mind of my own as does he. You see. In theory there is so much there. But theories need to be played out by action.”
“You need to tell him. I had no idea you felt this way.”
“To be honest I didn’t know either. I guess it all just seemed to make sense now.” I’m sure she continued to speak but I stared as though as I was listening but I was lost in a world of my own. Knowing that I was slightly saddened but knowing that it’s over. Well how can something truly end before it even began. I think that was the worst part. It was not given the chance it could have had. Or did it even have a chance? Was it all just me thinking this?

Friday, November 25, 2011

“No I was looking for Olivia. Do you know where she could be?”
“Listen I told you, no clue, don’t you have her number?” Welp I have no clue who could be looking for me, but Cassandra is entertaining with strangers at the door so might as well hang by this corner for a listen. Maybe I’ll make my own awkward bump in moment happen.
“No I don’t have her number.”
“But you know where she lives?”
“What are you some weird sort of stalker? You know-”
“I’m not a stalker.”
“Then how do you know where she lives?”
“Just can you tell Olivia I was here.”
“My names,-”
“I know who you are. Next time you take my friend on a date, don’t leave a note and expect her to show. I’m sure she’ll either find you but come on. Run into her how many times?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you going to ask for her number?”
“I believe so.”
“Believe so?”
“Yes, I believe I will ask for her number.”
“You need to get on our level. Olivia is not just and girl, she’s a women who stands up for herself and sticks to what she believes in.”
“That is what I’ve seen and been told.”
“Well told but to actually have your words meet your actions, she’s like a saint. Just don’t talk saints around her, she isn’t Catholic or anything, she believes in God. I don’t understand it all but if I was to follow an example to become one she’d be mine.”
“Not saying I’m going to become one, sex and I are too good of friends.”
“So just let Olivia know I was her.”
“Sure, want her number?”
“That would be helpful, but I think I should ask her for it.”
“Snooze you loose my friend.”
“Will take you advice.”
“I hope you do. Not seriously next time a date with timing not just her running to meet you.”
“You keep saying this but I never left her a note. I’m Kyle.”
“Oh, cliff jumping and Andrew’s friend.”
“Yeah. Andrew’s friend and believe cliff jumping your referring to me and Olivia going cliff jumping.” Oh goodness it’s Kyle. I thought it was surely Nathan. Why do I go through my whole life being oh so happily single. Well maybe not always happily because it would be nice to have someone there for you, but still I’ve been happy. Then now suddenly guys seem to notice me. I don’t want to be noticed though, or the one he choose that girls had to fight over. I simply want to be appreciated and - “Olivia.”
“Oh hey Kyle! What are you doing here?”

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back to the work grind. Grab my morning tea, make sure roommate is a live the head for the train. Head phone playing some Sinatra. This is going to be a solid day. I can feel it. Even in my own little world just the craziness of the last twenty-four hours to even think I was on a date to then Cassandra, God has a funny sense of humor. I think it shall never be something for me to figure out. But I guess that is all the fun. Oh train is delayed. Oh well. Still going to be a solid day. I begin tapping my heel and see someone waving at me. Who could that be? Kyle?
“Hey! Oh man haven’t seen you for a while.”
“Oh hey Kyle, yeah sorry life has just been, well you know life.”
“So I hear.”
“But how have you been?”
“Been good. Actually kind of crazy, a guy from my office was suppose to move to Canada but bailed so now I just got offered the job.”
“Canada? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah I actually leave next week. He was suppose to be there now actually he was moving next week but now I am. He said the job would be a great chance but his heart couldn’t let him go or something. As far as I know guy doesn’t have an sort of girl or anything to who knows, he’s some sort of hopeless romantic.”
“What a story.”
“Yeah, for his sake he’s lucky the boss loves him or this would have never happened.”
“Well good for him.”
“Yeah. Welp guess we’ll just have to cancel that double date Cassandra was trying to organize.”
“Honestly it was more for her to get to know Andrew better. And I’ve known the girl for a long time and I’m still learning more about her everyday. He’d be a lucky guy to do the same.”
“Wow. See whenever I’m out with her, you two always seemed so different. I could never make sense how it was possible, or for better use of the word, no I’ll stick with that. Yes, ha, sorry just got a flood of images reminding me of moment of questioning how you two could be roommates.”
“Well what you see isn’t always exactly what it is. Plus judging a book by it’s cover-”
“It was more than once, so-”
“Yes but Kyle, have you ever actually talked to her?”
“See if it a try. Who knows, you may even end up liking her.” Oh God and his timing, as soon as my sentence ends my train is here so all I can do it turn slowly with him to ponder this. I knew this was going to be a solid day. Walking in these heels a little higher and back to Sinatra and a coy smile I simply cannot get off my face.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

“Look who finally decided to come home.” It’s the next morning, I crashed at a friends who lives in the building. I knew staying here I would just hear more of the horrible ideas that she thinks is acceptable to treat men. Yes I know men have this long streak of treating women horrible. I cannot deny that I have been very hurt by them. But it takes two to tango. That expression doesn’t come from thin air.
“Yeah. I stayed with Arielle.”:
“Oh well that was nice of her to let you stay there. What did she think of you just instantly going out with a guy who left you a note?”
“She didn’t think anything because I keep my life private and have it be personal. But I am sure she would not have given me any where near the reaction you gave me. That was honestly horrible how you said you are suppose to treat guys! Would you want to be treated that way?
“So that whole do unto others as you would like done unto you was just missed on you?”
“Okay I know your parents at least had you go to sunday school.”
“Olivia, my parents are Jewish.”
“Oh. Then why do you go to mass?”
“Cause I guy I really cared about I converted for him.”
“You did that for a guy?”
“Yeah. Thought he was the one. But no. He made me fall hard to a point of talking about marriage and religion racing kids. You know the works. But he was like the rest of them. Just wanted to have fun for the moment and didn’t want one girl. He wanted a girl for each day of the week.”
“You never told me that.”
“Well yeah. Why would I?”
I am such a horrible person! I went instant attack and didn’t show compassion or simply or being apathetic that she could have been hurt in the past and this is why she does what she does. I give excuses for strangers down the street but the girl who I have known throughout college and roommate with for about four years I don’t give the same credit to. “I feel like a horrible person. Cassandra, like I don’t even have words.”
“Yeah it’s whatever, now was this guy really worth it?”
“I believe so.”
“Good. Now hopefully he’s legit, or I’ll kill him.” All we can do is hug and just laugh about all the ridiculousness I don’t know what I would do without this girl. “Now you grab a movie and I’ll get some chocolate.”
“Sounds awesome, oldies or just a horrible movie that girls these days think are good chick movies?”
“Oh new, so horrible I need a laugh.”
“Got it.”