Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back to the work grind. Grab my morning tea, make sure roommate is a live the head for the train. Head phone playing some Sinatra. This is going to be a solid day. I can feel it. Even in my own little world just the craziness of the last twenty-four hours to even think I was on a date to then Cassandra, God has a funny sense of humor. I think it shall never be something for me to figure out. But I guess that is all the fun. Oh train is delayed. Oh well. Still going to be a solid day. I begin tapping my heel and see someone waving at me. Who could that be? Kyle?
“Hey! Oh man haven’t seen you for a while.”
“Oh hey Kyle, yeah sorry life has just been, well you know life.”
“So I hear.”
“But how have you been?”
“Been good. Actually kind of crazy, a guy from my office was suppose to move to Canada but bailed so now I just got offered the job.”
“Canada? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah I actually leave next week. He was suppose to be there now actually he was moving next week but now I am. He said the job would be a great chance but his heart couldn’t let him go or something. As far as I know guy doesn’t have an sort of girl or anything to who knows, he’s some sort of hopeless romantic.”
“What a story.”
“Yeah, for his sake he’s lucky the boss loves him or this would have never happened.”
“Well good for him.”
“Yeah. Welp guess we’ll just have to cancel that double date Cassandra was trying to organize.”
“Honestly it was more for her to get to know Andrew better. And I’ve known the girl for a long time and I’m still learning more about her everyday. He’d be a lucky guy to do the same.”
“Wow. See whenever I’m out with her, you two always seemed so different. I could never make sense how it was possible, or for better use of the word, no I’ll stick with that. Yes, ha, sorry just got a flood of images reminding me of moment of questioning how you two could be roommates.”
“Well what you see isn’t always exactly what it is. Plus judging a book by it’s cover-”
“It was more than once, so-”
“Yes but Kyle, have you ever actually talked to her?”
“See if it a try. Who knows, you may even end up liking her.” Oh God and his timing, as soon as my sentence ends my train is here so all I can do it turn slowly with him to ponder this. I knew this was going to be a solid day. Walking in these heels a little higher and back to Sinatra and a coy smile I simply cannot get off my face.

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