Thursday, July 28, 2011

The officer has been sitting across from me just starring at me in shock of my mother not caring I was pronounced dead. Is this real life? I am either in some weird scenario life where it is normal for cars to just come a long and take you. What is this? This morning my biggest thought was dealing with the type A people who are happy with life and car pool together. Now I have to figure out how I am not dead. Why would someone want me dead? Who is this wife they say I have? Where the eff am I? What is with me being the only one taken?
“Okay Brooks, so why are you not dead?” The lieutenant is walking through the door with a folder and a lot more paper in it than something from just the events of the day. I guess the government if always watching. “You seem like a normal enough guy. From Jersey getting a big job in the city. Smooth sailing. Why would someone want you dead? Since they wanted you dead and you seem like live life on this same schedule how could they mess up killing the wrong dude?”
“Yeah see I could totally be the dead guy. But I go to church. Nothing too out there. Not like joining Islam or Communist party.”
“Are you saying this is a terrorist attack?”
“No. What! Are you guys insane?”
“Calm down Brooks. Tell us why are you here?”
Why am I here? That is the big questions? Why am I here? Well lets see some dudes in a suit toke me away from where I was. Does that sound about right? “Lets see. I got to work. Went up to my office. Oh and right there was a dead guy!”
“I am compelled to treat you like a hostile witness.”
“Whatever. And I wasn’t even a witness I came in after you.” This is who is protecting our government. No wonder why firewalls are so easy to crack and we get bombed. These guys probably thought it would be an easy lay for them to wear the suit and a badge. I think they were twenty years off. Generation of technology buddies. “Can I pee?”
“Officer take him to the bathroom.”

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