Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sorry for the wait

You’d think I would learn my lesson the first time. I grew up being a simple kid from the suburbs, went to college, and now have a job in the city. Basically what your told in high school the life you should have and many people try to reach that bar. Now I’m here sitting in my car dreading those minutes ticking down for me to walk into my office and ask how the eff did I get here. Look at my other coworkers walking in. They car pool. All like they’re friends and truly love their lives. It makes me sick. Guess I should get out of my car and head in. Look at my car it’s even a freakin’ BMW. I am the clique of what life I was told to live. I could be all suave and walk in with shades, lock the car behind me and own this building. But I know this building would be an easy hot shot and I could sleep with any girl I choose. Now I’m not a cocky guy but for this office I am one of the people who have a life out of the office, I work out, and I do a lot of volunteer work so I am a freakin’ catch.
The thing is women working in this office have no lives outside of work. All day they work and may go out one weekend night and it’s to blow off steam with girls they party with. Partying women, well they shouldn’t even be called women they are actually girls due to their actions, do not have true friends and don’t know how to be a friend. Why waste my time? Goodness. Take the elevator and be trapped with someone in it and either talk or stand in silence, I’ll that the stairs. This way it is passing by people not chit-chat and these people wouldn’t walk the stairs even if the building was on fire. I know sounds like a stretch but kids with trust-funds come from their own little world. I worked my way here, I commute from Jersey. I place these people probably think traveling from they need shots or something.
One floor down now only five to go. Sure I may be late to my desk but coming from the stairs looks better. My boss will simply look at me ask about the weather or something and then give me two task to do. routine is his thing. Three floors down, three to go. I wonder what could be on the menu this morning for breakfast. Maybe a muffin, or a bagel. Oh the options. Sixth floor. Made it, here goes nothing.
“Back away!” A police man is pushing everyone to the side. I see blood on the walls and shattered glass everywhere. Women crying and people puking. What just happened?!

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