Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maybe when they go to dump me whatever thats suppose to mean I could like go kung fu style on them and break free. Seriously Charlie. Kung fu? I am so dead.
“Dan you get him in the back I’ll see if they’re ready for him.” Whose ready for me? Maybe dump me with new people is what they meant.
“Got it.” I hear two car doors shut so at least probably only battling against one guy. But I think they will probably be the quickest way to die. I am not tied up or anything so maybe they want me to live. The door by me open, I guess I’m in a van. “Great I got to carry this kid. If his father wasn’t so good at what he does i would drag him.” My father? He’s a plumber.
“Dan what’s taken so long?”
“Seriously I just got out of the car!”
“Move it.”
“Oh great not I am all sorts of lazy over this supposed to be wonder kid. He better be as good as they think or I will personally kill me.” Wonder kid? What am I suppose to have this wonderful plumbing skills or something? Dad I knew you had shaddy friends but come on! What is this.
After going up a few stair and Dan complaining the whole way and guys yelling at him we get to this room. I’m expected to be put in a chair or cement floor but now, on a tempo-pedic mattress! Okay maybe I should wake up now. I open my eyes to what seems like a suit from the Ritz Carlton.
“Oh look Cinderella's back.”
“Where am I?”
“We can’t really tell you but let’s say anything you want you will get and someone you know will be here soon to answer all your questions.”
“Well all I want is a beer or something but it’s the middle of the day if I have my wits about me. So I will settle for some chinese food.”
“What kind.”
“Fried rice. Oh man and some sushi. Surprise me with the best sushi, none with ell and nothing too fishy. Something like with a lot of rice. Yeah rice around it would be great.”
“You got it Mr. Brooks.”
“Alright.” So this is what it’s like being taken prisoner? When does they horrible surprise come out? Hopefully I get my food first.

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