Tuesday, June 14, 2011

“Hey beautiful.” Monica jumps as she’s coming into her apartment.
“Oh wow, how did you get in here?”
“Umm you gave me a key. Why so jumping?”
“Well I left my door locked with no one in it, come back and your here.” Monica makes her way to the kitchen for some water. “What brings her here?”
“I wanted to apologize for yesterday morning. I didn’t mean to react that way. I mean I should not have reacted that way.”
“No worries. All is forgotten. How did everything go with your client?”
“It went really well actually. I think he may sign a contract for me to work with him.”
“Oh look at you.” Monica gives him a big hug. “I always knew that you’d do a great job at whatever you choose to do. But you’ve been great with helping others out with their lives.”
“Thanks. So any word from Mike?”
“Oh no, I was suppose to do all this research for him yesterday that I just didn’t get to do from this crazy day I had so needed to put it off. But I will do it for him today so will probably talk to him.”
“Crazy day?”
“Oh yeah I don’t know why but for some reason I started talking to my security guy...” Monica go on to tell the details of sharing his life with her. Talking about his mission trips, which made her want to research and she got a Bible and read it. All what happened with her reading the chapters. Simply being eye open to all this. How it hurt her so much to not know this because her parents did not find it important and they both died before she could really talk to them all about it. Andrew would ask questions here and there but it hurt him knowing she wanted to talk to her parents about this but never could.
“How old where you when your parents were killed?”
“I was nineteen. I had just entered my second year of college and they were coming to visit me for a surprise weekend.”
“Oh wow I never knew that.”
“Because I don’t talk about it. Sad times don’t need to be shared. I was angry at them for driving up to see me, angry they didn’t stop over night, I was just really angry. It got to the point where I had to grow up. I finished out the semester doing okay. Many of my professors were understanding, but there is only so much understanding that they can do. I left and travelled because I couldn’t keep my home so I had no home. I lost a lot of my belongings. So I travelled. Which brought me here. I needed work because 6 months of traveling gets expensive and only so many places you can search for questions. I got the job with the company I have today. They liked something so paid for school, and had me build up their internships program and bring the perspective I have for them. But now I also see more than work, meeting my friends, I found myself again. I didn’t need answers I needed to give life the purpose I had. Now I see the purpose I found may be changing.”
“Yeah changing. Maybe talking with Tony yesterday was more than just finding out about his life. Maybe it was also being forced to talk a look at my own life again.”
“Your not thinking of leaving right?”
“No just seeing that I haven’t settled into this life I have. I know that I am doing a lot but is it the right stuff that I am doing? Could I be doing more? I remember before my parents died I would do a lot of volunteer work. After I haven’t done any. That’s not right.”
“Wow. I had no idea.”
“Yeah. So I went on a run for clarity. It helped a lot. An now your here and I got to share it all with you. Been a good debriefing. And I am still gross and need to shower for work. Which I am sure to be late for.”
“Oh shot same. I will run and let you get ready. Call me later and we’ll talk more.
“Of course! Thanks so much for listening.”
“It’s what I’m here for.”
“Love you and I will call you later.” Monica then runs to the bathroom leaving Andrew to let himself out. Holding a note he’s debating leaving for her. Walks to the door and looks back, but just throws it in the trash.

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