Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sorry June I am failing with posting.

The next day Monica wakes up slowly. Taking her time just rolling over and looking around her room. She gradually gets up. Rolls out of bed a groggily goes to her bathroom to get ready for the day. She sees that she laid in bed for a half hour so she will barely make a work out. With the pace that she is going out she’s lucky if she makes it in time for work. After checking herself in the mirror she doesn’t look too bad but she wants to wash away the night of tossing and turning of thinking about Mike. It makes no sense to her how a guy could just walk into her apartment and she could easily talk to him for hours about anything.
The heat of the water starts filling up the room. Monica turns to make her way for the shower but freezes remembering that she has to do all the phone calls for fundraising so she will get to talk to Mike later. Suddenly feeling pleased with the situation Monica gets in the shower and uses her good body wash, showers her hair and begins to sing. Gets out the shoer dries of and then turns up music to start dancing and getting ready for the day.
Monica makes her way to her bed and is jumping in her robe to the music and singing. Watching this all in Andrew who just walked in with morning coffee for Monica because she’s giving him a ride to work. “So this is what you now do in the morning.” Monica now becomes paralyzed. Slowly turns around in horror. As soon as she sees it’s only Andrew she relaxes and jumps off the bed to greet him.
“Way to scare a me. Goodness I thought you were a rapist or something.”
“What? Yes, a rapist would announce himself first.”
“Shut up! Thanks for the coffee.” Monica gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Now please step out I will throw on something and join you on the couch.”
“Alright. How are you not ready? Did something happen last night.”
“Oh you know the usual. Boy comes to my place, let himself in, set something up to help him, and then have a really deep conversation.” Monica begins to shyly walk off letting Andrew swallow what was just said.
“When did this happen?”
“Last night.”
“Right. Well... umm. Who was it?” Andrew is getting off the couch and making his way to the kitchen to make himself look busy.
“Mike. I forgot I told him I would talk with him, slightly embarressing but it was a good time.”
“Good. Listen I would love to hear more but completely forgot I’m meeting a client.” Walks over to Monica. “Give me a call later.” He grabs his coffee and makes his way to the door.
“Okay. Have a good meeting.”
“Thanks.” Andrew exist leaving Monica in a robe with coffee on the couch.
“Well that was weird.” Monica doesn’t let it phase her and gets ready for the day and puts the music back on.

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