Monday, June 13, 2011

Monica is walking down the street to work, still with the biggest smile. She’s turning to work seeing the security guard that always gives her an issue. Still keeps her smile on, gives him a big grin, “Morning Tony, isn’t today beautiful.”
“Yeah yeah.” Tony just sits on his stool with his book. Monica stops.
“You know Tony, I have seen you almost everyday for about two year and I don’t know the slightest thing about you. Do you have any kids?” Tony is so taken back from Monica even talking to him. Even more so by her asking about his life.
“I have been happily married for twenty three years. We have three children.”
“Wow that’s amazing. How many boys and girls?”
“Two boys, the first born is Anthony Jr. The the middle is a girl.”
“That’s awesome. How old are they?”
“Umm. Two in high school and one entering their second year of college.”
“Where does Anthony Jr. go to college?”
“He goes to school here in the San Fransico University.”
“That’s amazing. Congratulations! Welp Tony before I’m late for work I’m going to catch the elevator but it was great talking to you. I’ll see you on my lunch break and ask about your other son and daughter.
“Alright Monica.” Monica makes her way to the elevator and she goes about her work for the day. She meant what she said with coming down on her break and talking to Tony about his two other children. The daughter is going to be a senior in high school, she is looking to get a soccer scholarship to Notre Dame. He grads could get her in but she wants to play where ever she attends school. He is pushing for the education, but knows he’s daughter will make the right choice. His son will be a junior and he plays basketball, not very well but it is his passion. He is not sure what he wants to do yet so they are for him doing a gap year so he doesn’t rush into anything.
Tony meet his wife doing missions work. Monica talked to him about what he’s done on mission and what made him want to do that and push him to do this work. Talking about Tony’s missions trip actually made Monica after work go and buy a Bible to see what made Tony want to give months of his life doing work for this cause. She spent the night reading chapter after chapter and being torn. She wept. Got angry. Needed breaks but in the end stopped and just reflected. 
When Monica woke up she say her bed all disheveled with the notes she had taken, her computer, and the Bible. Will all this she does not know what she has woken up to and all she can think to do is put on clothes to go for a run, grab her ipod, and leaves.

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