Friday, September 23, 2011

Gut always wins! When Kyle and I were pulling out of the parking lot a ranger had just passed us and was making his way into the parking lot. But that was earlier now I sit hear waiting for my room mate to come out of her room to show me if I approve of her outfit for the night. Granted I almost never approve cause generally shows to much of something but it is more of color and look on her she cares. Honestly that is why I say no somethings.
“So what about this? Cheetah lingerie too much?”
“For what exactly? Sleeping or walking down a street?”
“Oh funny little pun in there. I am picking up better on you calling me a prostitute. And neither, trying out this new club and suppose to be trendy and the newest it thing. So cheetah a win?”
“Well cheetah is always in but we are no longer in college so seems slightly desperate-”
“That is something I’m so not-”
“Possibly put on the new dress-”
“I want to be scene for my brains-”
“Or try on that top with those leggings-”
“I have a lot to offer-”
“So maybe cheetah wedges?”
“Yes! I will wear the lacy top, with black tight skirt and heels! They will believ I am trendy, young, innovative, and will talk and I will fill them with my knowledge.”
Before I could even answer she’s hugging me and running and swilling back into her room. Dear Lord what did I just give her and idea for. I put my book down and grab my mug to pour some more tea.
“So how did things go?”
“Umm hello I totally know you were with Kyle earlier!”
“Oh, umm they went.”
“Come on, I need some details. I live for this. Sweet innocent roommate who stays in on her Thursday nigh reading a book and drinking tea, like such a clique of good girl. With the crazy roommate who gets ready and takes shots. Now come on! I will end up meeting a random dude who will be no good for me in about two hours, but I will know you spent time with a good guy today. So when I come home crying later about my mistakes I will remember your story in the taxi at least.”
“Your so twisted.”
“I don’t like to think twisted. More knowing I’m young, I have a right to be stupid so I might as well take advantage. I am turning twenty-six in two weeks so I only have two more weeks of this excuse. After that I am just a reckless person.”
“Oh so twenty-six is time to grow up?”
“Well yes, I would like to be married someday do you find that shocking?”
“Slightly yes. But your reasoning I will just skip over that whole deal.”
“Olivia come on!”
“Kyle, story now! It will totally not be as good when I have to go up to Andrew later and ask him what Kyle said. Kyle gives like no detail so it’s a bunch of he said they did this. It was good. Blah, blah, blah! I need to hear about the romance and spark of it all!”
“Haha well cannot see Kyle being the romancer.”
“Don’t laugh! He’s quit the catch-”
“More talker and hoping I hear him while staying silent-”
“You could end up falling for him-”
“Well maybe not silent but more mysterious-”
“He’s a really great guy-”
“No not mysterious, just what is the word-”
“Andrews a great guy too-”
“I can’t put my finger on it-”
“Olivia are you listening?”
“So you think a double could work?”
“Work for what?”
“You, Kyle, Andrew and I?”
“Do you know what Andrew’s job is?”
“Yeah he works with kids.”
“What kind of kids?”
“I think middle school.”
“Yes and what does he do with these kids?”
“Umm teaches them obviously! Goodness Olivia I’m not an idiot!”
“But what does he teach them.”
“Whatever you learn in middle school.”
“Right, he’s a youth pastor.”
“Okay so he’s-”
“Whatttt!” And now the freak out begins. “He, he, God, works for, what?! But he goes to the bar. He sees me dressed, God, works for, what?!” Oh maybe shouldn’t have had the big lead in. “He must think I’m satan.” Yep bad idea, no lead in. “I dress, boobs, he has probably, oh man! Oh man!” Looks like my tea shall wait. “I need a drink.” Oy.

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