Friday, September 30, 2011

That was not a good idea! running. Why on earth did I think I could possibly a runner. I must has made it about five minutes if that before question what I was doing. Run? Okay playing a sport yes I will but to just go for a run. I walked. But walking is so slow and people feel as though they can stop you. And of course the moment I need to clear my head I would run into the person I need to figure out.
Not the new guy. If it was the new guy then that wouldn’t be so bad. However it just had to be Kyle. Him of all people. I think maybe running into, I don’t know, no solid comparison on who would have been better to see. Right now nothing is clicking in my mind.
Who do I have a roommate? I know that she believes that she is helping but really? Ahh and talking to him! It was like pulling teeth because I knew he totally knew about my roommates grand idea of us being set up. But he probably thinks it me who wants to go out on a date with him. Being so coy, oh I heard your roommate ran into Andrew earlier. Really?! I should not be this upset about it all. Right? My reaction is not justified. Or is it? Why am I getting this upset over everything? She said that we were all going to grab food or something. Or something. He knows the or something.
Maybe it was the way he said it or just me not wanting anything and knowing, or at least being told many times how he wants something. People playing with my head never ends for a good time. I am being such a women. I just need a friend to talk to. Wait where am I? I just kept walking after seeing Kyle in a storm and now it looks like I went to a foreign country. Okay turn around that seems like a good plan. Yes just turn around. I turn to actually do a little running so where I am can pass by quickly and hopefully I am not in a dangerous area.
“What can’t get enough of me?”
“Clearly not!” New guy what are you doing here?
“Well actually I can’t say that because I saw you a while back but you were walking so fast making it hard to catch up to you.”
“Oh sorry, lot of the mind so just kept going and now I need to question where I am and how I got here. Thankfully I don’t think I made any turns so that’s good.”
“Oh well that helps.”
This is totally an awkward silence moment. Was he just stalking me?
“Well my building is actually about two doors down, if that gives you any reference for where you are.”
“Honestly not at all.”
“Yeah but I believe if I keep walking but up that way I shall eventually come to a reference point. Or at least that is my plan of the moment, but who knows.”
“Sounds like a reasonable one.”
“Yeah.” So is this another awkward moment of me putting in head phones and walking away? “Oh funny thing is I have talked to you about three times and I have never asked your name.”
“Oh I don’t believe I have offered it up, so that is rude on my behalf.”
“Yeah but, no will agree to that simply people curtsy.” Oh God please laugh.”
“This is true.” Okay I got a smirk that’s something. “Well I am Nathan it is lovely to have meet you, and again.”
“Well Nathan it is my pleasure.”
“What brings you down here? I am assuming you don’t live around here.”
“Well that is up for debate seeing how I am somewhat from around here however I do not know where exactly here is so, yeah.”
“Well here is about three blocks from the metro where I saw you the other day.”
“Oh okay awesome, so I am not as far as I thought. Sorry caught up in these thoughts in my head so I could have been dropped in some foreign country probably without realizing.”
“This could be a foreign country and I am simply tricking you.”
“Now Nathan why would you do such a thing?”
“I have no purpose. No clue what I was thinking.”
“Heaven only knows.”
“Fact. I am sorry though I must run. You know those Tuesday ragers won’t happen without me.”
“Oh yes clearly they only happen due to you.”
“I am glad someone understands.”
“Yes.” We do smiles and I walk past him putting in my head phones. I guess random banter is where this relation shall stay.
“Your going the wrong way.”
“Oh, ha. Thanks!” And embarrassment. Grand! 

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