Monday, May 27, 2013

“We’re here.” Johnny puts the car in park and begins to hurry out to Kristina’s side opening it up. “Come on.” He picks her up and begins carrying her to the house.
“Whoa! Wait!” Kristina is fidgeting for him to let go.
“What?” Johnny is confused and doesn’t understand what he did wrong.
“If we don’t get the bags now then we wont till the morning and out stuff will be freezing! I don’t know about you but I am not coming out here naked for clothes.”
“Well naked no. But I’m enjoying the image.” Johnny smirks as he starts back for the car.
“Ha. Ha.” Kristina crosses her arm to show how unamused she is.
“Head inside. I will mean you upstairs.”
“Oh will you now.” Her flirty tone from earlier returns.
“Yes.” Johnny begins pulling out their bags while Kristina heads in the house. She makes her way upstairs debating if she should keep her clothes on or leave that for Johnny. It’s one of the things he enjoys doing but this could be away to mix things up. Besides she did tease him on their way up. Before she could decided Johnny runs into the room grabbing her and already making the way to do as he pleases with her and what he knows she likes.

Friday, May 24, 2013

It’s approaching winter, their favorite time of year were they go away for a week together. It is a lodge they’ve come to love, it’s where they went for their honeymoon. It has no cell phone service so the two cannot have any outside world distractions. Yes, spending the week with one other person can sound like it is something horrible but the two find it to be the most peaceful time.
Driving the familiar roads they watch the snowy covered trees pass them by as Kristina links her arm through Johnny’s and rest her head on his arm when he drives. She begins to nod off but a pot hole in the road perks her right up. 
“I love this place but this drive is killing me.” Kristina is rubbing her neck and begins to do little stretches she’s able to in the passenger seat.
“Oh hey!” Johnny has always enjoyed watching his wife stretch.
“Just because I’m stretching doesn’t mean it give you access to just check out my boobs.” Kristina leans in to Johnny and saying it in a slightly whisper getting closer to his face that she kisses along his jaw line.
“Yes it does.” Johnny tilts his head up slightly as a sign for Kristina to continue. She makes her way down his neck. This causes Johnny to slow down the car and move to the side of the road.
“Oh no. We are making it there before it’s dark. If that doesn’t encourage you to get us there quickly then I don’t know what to do.” Kristina is now back in her seat putting her seat belt back on.
“Ahh, fine.” Checking over his shoulder Johnny pulls back into traffic going a little quicker to make the last forty minutes go quicker. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Young Love

This way or that way who really knows which way is right? I would like to think the guidance I have absorbed at this point has given me some sort of accountability. Okay maybe accountability might be too much. More like a precedence to what I am feeling I want to do in the moment. Yeah that should be the right assessment.
“Johnny your taking to long with those burgers.” Kristina yells from inside their new apartment they just got together. The two have been married for two years and while both thought at this stage they would be looking for a home to get to fill with kids but that has not happened. 
“Coming. Perfection can’t be rushed.” Johnny flips the burgers to not over due the one side while taking a swig from his beer. “Did you chop up tomatoes.”
“Of course I did my portion.” Kristina answer as she comes through the sliding door to their porch. She comes from behind Johnny putting her arms around his waste and resting her head on his back.
“Trying to start something.” Johnny gives a slight smirk.
Kristina tightens her arms a little more and slightly inches his shirt up above his belt buckle. “Yeah right.” She releases her arms and heads back inside. “Hurry up with those things will ya.”
“Such a tease.” He shakes his head and begins taking the burgers off the grill.
“Nope, just hungry. See it got you to hurry up.” Kristina smiles from her small victory and moves to the counter to sit across from Johnny’s place. “Do you want another beer?”
“I’m good.” Johnny answers as he comes through the sliding door, closing it and moving to the counter. His puts the food down and holds his wife hand. He looks into her eyes, “How did I get so lucky.”
“No clue.” She leans in towards him and kisses him. Then sits back down and begins serving him his food.
They eat in silence which seems to be a normal thing now. Kristina cannot stand silence when eating so she now as grown accustomed to putting on the music. The two of them have always enjoyed they can eat and not feel the need to talk. Their relationship has been like this from the beginning. Neither thought it was awkward that on their first dinner date they talked, then got the food, and became silent while they ate till they finished. It is a content feeling and both thought it was a blessing. There was just a feeling of being content. They enjoyed their time together and just being with one another. It wasn’t what was happening, what was going on, or what they were doing but they were there.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hey all! I hope you enjoyed the last story. It was a difficult one to write. I'm working on a new story that I will hopefully post tomorrow. It is something a little different and involves a married couple which I haven't written from that perspective before. I general stick to single people, probably because that is where I am out. Who knows. Anyway thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoying the stories!

Also don't forget to check out the other sites where my poetry, photos and film critics are posted.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I should not have gone over there. What was I thinking? I have just left his house and walked to my car. It was an enjoyable evening with a long goodbye. However living the world that we created for the two of us, makes reality hit. This is not my boyfriend, but I’m acting like he is. He treats me like a girlfriend. I am caught up in that happy bliss, but then I’m reminded that he does not like me nor would he want to date me.
Subtle right? I’m an idiot. Or could this become something in the end? This is dangerous territory to be in. I never thought I would be one of these guys that would like a guy treat me this way without any commitment. I judged these girls. I thought these girls were stupid. I am not this girl.
It’s so typical to think that guys do not think of the consequences of their actions. It’s true. After the first incident of this I said I wanted him out of my life. What changed? It just made his actions and treatment of me okay. Why condone this behavior.
I should probably start my car and drive away instead of debating all of this in front of his house. I start driving and it’s almost like driving from his house with the windy roads and constant stop signs. Like this is going to be confusing territory with stops along the way. One is an exit while one with send you to the confusing back roads where you’ll be trapped. Literally, taking the wrong turn around here sends you in multiple exits with what seems like no way out.
Ridiculous. I now make it to the main road and know it’s easy left turn and straight venture home. Sure there are a few stops and windy roads but not what I just left. Its funny, the further I am from him things are more laid out, there seems to be some sort of plan. Then the closer I get, it’s like I basic thinking is a challenging. Even knowing that makes it difficult to make this turn home.
“Screw it.” I turn and head home to get in my pajamas and curl up in bed reminiscing this night and knowing it was the wrong decision.