Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am adding the final edits to the Part two for the story. However I want this blog to be a collection of multiple authors. I am advertising on my twitter to have authors submitting their work but all I can really say is submit your work! With the stories that are sent to me I will not, I repeat WILL NOT take credit for your work. I will add the stories to the main blogs. If many people submit their work and have multiple stories to add I will create a new tab, with your permission of course, and have all their stories there. The tab can be your name, pen name, whatever you want to call it.
I will not only take stories. I will take poetry, photography, drawing, anything that is creative and you wish to share. I hope to receive some of your stories soon!

- Seeking Originality

How could I forget, send your stories or photos to

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