Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kean’s coffee is always the best to have. Everyone looks so put together like we weren’t out till 4:30 last night. I am the only one struggling. Back home you are allowed to rock the struggling look. Here you show a weakness and people pounce. I got dressed that was enough for me. I’m glad even though I’m around trust fund babies they know how to work and are accepting.
“So, you and Jerry?”
“Did everyone see that?”
“Considering we were all going to leave to go home. Yes.”
“Oh goodness. Summer has a photo. What about you Alexa?”
“Why would you think I would have any kind of evidence. I solely just wanted to ask.” Alexa keeps her head up holding back a laugh till she take out her camera to Jerry kissing me while I stare with a shocked face. She has a setting where is can take photo after photos while you hold down the button. So I got to see how Jerry turned me around kissed me I was in shock! But I just started making out with him. Right in the middle of the side walk then got in a cab. Oh what lovely friends I have.
“Please tell me he has called you. I wont accept texts or bbm’s it must be a call.”
“Considering I just woke up. No.”
“Jerry needs to step up his game. He’s been wanting to do that for sometime but you had that boyfriend of yours.”
“Well he got his chance. Lets see if he pulls through.”
“Well you know Jerry.”
“Yes I do.”
All the girls can’t help to laugh but Summer cuts in with, “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.”

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