Tuesday, October 5, 2010


For my creative writing class we had to write an embarrassing moment of our lives. This moment I shall share with you:

“Where’s my phone?” I probably dropped it in the moments of getting my drink off the floor. Here I’m standing outside in a crowd of people too drunk to know how cold they actual are in this February weather. I turn around to see Tori’s face.
“You okay girl? What happened?” Tori is my closest friend. I can talk to her openly about anything. She’s from California with a free loving spirit. Even in this total darkness her beach blond hair is glowing. She probably thought I was being ridiculous.
“My phone. Where is my phone? Damn it had my money, JAC card, and hello my phone. It’s my baby.”
“You left your phone in there?”
“Rebecca you okay?” I see Brenn’s face staring at me. His face is full of concern like I was attacked or something.
“Yeah I’m fine I just didn’t want to dance with that guy anymore.” Oh God that poor kid. I just ran away from him. “
“Yeah his face was so confused.”
“But I left my phone in there. Oh. God. My phone. That is my baby. I need my baby.” Looking back screaming ‘I left my baby’ people must have wondered why I even brought a baby to a college party. Still I stand there staring at the door like it is hundreds of feet away even though it is just 10 feet. How can I go back inside there?
“Is Molly still in there?” I look around and don’t see her. Molly is my roommate Brenn is Molly’s best friend from home, a typical “Southern Gentleman”.
“Maybe Molly got my phone? Yes. Oh. God. what if that guy has my phone? That douche stole my phone. He has my baby!” Screaming 'he has my baby' adds on to the crazy points I had racking up that night.
“Hey, guys why did you run out of the party?” I see Molly coming and she is still with the guy that she was dancing with. She is half his height, red hair, and pale - a typical ginger. 
“Did you see my phone by any chance?”
“No. You lost your phone.?”
“I think the guy I was with stole my phone.”
Before running out of this party I was dancing with this guy. For all purposes let’s call this guy Charlie. He was probably taller than me, strong built, baggy clothes on, military cut, and tan. He told me that he was on the basketball team. I was at the game earlier that day and I told him I didn’t see him on the court or bench. He dropped the basketball line. That is all I remember of our conversation. I was not much for talking that night.
I had just broken up with my boyfriend Daniel. He’s tall, athletic, brown eyes and hair. We were friends for seven years. For the past six months we were together. But while I thought we were still together he went and got a girlfriend. I found out that Monday - five days ago.

For the night Charlie was just a quest of forgetting the ex. Charlie was a sweetie. He tried talking to me but all I did was continue to drink what I had made back at the dorm. I just nod and dance to what Charlie was saying. I didn’t really care. He could have told me he was a prince to some country and wished to marry me and I would have just said ‘that’s amazing’. I kept dropping my drink; thank God I had it in a Nalgene bottle to keep it safe. I want the pain and memories to be out of my mind. I turn and I just started kissing Charlie. I can say emotions and not the right state of mind had this effect but lets be honest. It wasn’t. I was used and wanted to use someone to forget.
The drink is now empty and the effects are not as strong I realize I am dancing with this guy who is not who I thought. He’s my height. I am short. He had a small built. I could beat him up. I had the hair and clothes right though.
My mind starts running in circles of how to get out of this. How could I let Daniel get to me? I want to cry. I turn away from the guy. I continue to dance, it was a good song. Tori is dancing in front of me with a surprised expression that I had just made out with this guy. “Escape now.”
“Right now?” I nod. Tori pulls me and Brenn who she’s dancing with.
I should have at least waited till the end of the song. I'm sure it was a good song.
Staring at the door I did not know what was about to happen. Would I see who I was dancing with? I check the floor where we were dancing and my phones no where in sight. I see Charlie. I run up to him. I’m like a mad woman who should be locked in a cage. Charlie was just trying to enjoy his night meet a sweet girl and maybe take her home. Instead he got me. No sweetness. No taking home. Just a big tease and a bag of emotions. That was not the worst part. Our conversation probably went something like this:
“Do you know where my phone is?”
“Excuse me?”
“I had my phone when we were dancing now it’s gone.”
“Maybe it’s around here.” Charlie begins lightening up his phone on the ground to try and find the phone. The party is starting to clear out. They can clear out all they want my baby is missing and I want her back. I know he has my baby. Why is he bothering?Just give it back to me.
This poor kid. I never saw him again. I think we both would run away from each other if we did. I have drank but not made out with anyone. Nor have I seen or talked to Daniel. All for the best. When emotions are high I’ll stick to chocolate and a movie. Keeping the crazy caged.

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