Wednesday, October 20, 2010


         People are ever changing while the world is ever evolving. We went from times of hard working and labor forces. Watching the dollar tightly will keep status and keeping the classes happy. To now an era of blackberry’s, starbucks, and plastic surgery. Money is not an object, but giving the persona of being apart of a class is key. The things around us may have changed throughout the years and how things are viewed and what is appreciated. However one thing has not changed. Image.
People what to been seen a certain way. Even though it could be a nock off people still wear the Chanel or Dior sunglasses with the purses. Keeps  them looking classes with a bank account well stocked. While the girls cling to their real coach things happy their real but still witht he bank account of a working class person living in the teen years. When getting out of the girl phases they move to the better designers and learn how to dress and become presentable. It is all about what you give off while keeping who you are on the down low. When your with a family who is struggling to get by no one sees that when you are wearing the clothes of someone from Orange County while driving a car that looks like someone from the woods. The two don’t mix but mass transit can hide the one flaw that gives you away. Friends drive a Ferrari and you tag along with your high heels that you say are an unknown designer with the payless brand rubbed off, the leggings for $3.50 from forever 21, top from Gap on clearance for $9.97, and Chanel purse your friends bought you for your birthday and fake sunglasses from the vendor you pass by in your friend car. No one knows the secret of the girl from Jersey trying to make it in the city that can take over even the best of people.
Looking around at the trust fund friends that work from the good graces of their parents and these places where others are better qualified but they have the name that easily lets them do anything. While you say you have just moved out here and trying to find something and a place to live and just crashing in this apartment for now till you find something you like better and for you connections to come through for a few jobs. When in reality this apartment was all you could afford, you love your job and it is why you moved out here, and wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. However telling these people that they would not have understood and not have “wasted their time with you.” But this is me.

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