Friday, October 22, 2010

Morning After

Waking up after your 21st is never a good thing. You were with great friends all night celebrating. Creating memories you wont remember but stories you will share over a much needed glass of water in the morning. Looking around at this apartment is like a movie. It is unexplainable. It has tall ceilings, shag rugs, white walls, white tile floors, white couches, paintings that seem as if they came from the MET. Even though the size of her living room is the size of my whole apartment it does not phase me, Sure I am clearly pointing this out to you now however it is purely for description purposes.
“Well hello birthday girl!” Summer says in her morning after voice with make up still perfectly on hair crazy, and dress barely hanging on toe her curves and and added boobs. But can’t lie even all the survey could not give the crazy body she has from a trainer that is known for having a waiting list for the next two years of clients.
“Hello!” I say smiling back but avoiding moving for the dear of the head ache that is about to come. Luckily Summer is never affected and runs to the ridge grabbing four waters for us bother. She slowly sips on one while I chug two quickly then gradually sit up. Now nursing the third one memories from the night begin to flood my mind.
“So by any chance do you remember almost getting in a cab with Jerry last night?”
“With who?!”
“Yeah I figured. I snapped a photo on my iphone just for these moments.” Summer reaches for her newest bag her parents sent her from Milan and grabs her phone. Looks intensely for the photo to show me actually in the cab with him fist pumping for us to go. A photo truly said a thousands things. There is nothing else I could do but stay in shock and laugh.
“Oh birthdays and nights in LA.”
“This was not LA we were in East Hollywood at this time.”
“We went to Hollywood?”
“You didn’t expect us to stay in LA all night did you?”
“No but just never thought we left it. Was Jerry was my only boy of the night?”
“Oh you wish. We ran into a few old friends. Well I shouldn’t say my old friends more like yours. They just moved here from Jersey as well and knew no one else. I was talking to him for a while. He was nice. I could see why you liked him.”
“Who was it?”
“Well I told him you wouldn’t remember seeing him cause you have reached that point and probably would wake up till now so he will be calling you in about an hour.” Summer gives a smile knowing she has made me happy with not telling me. But knows its better her knowing the details while I am surprised by everything. I just settle into the couch pull up the blanket and enjoy the fact that some mystery boy will be calling and I would not rather be any where else but right where I was.
Just as finishing that thought My blackberry starts ringing and without checking whose calling I answer from being in a world of bliss what could go wrong?

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