Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“How did this happen?”
“Are you really asking that? She was brought up in a broken home “
“Don’t put this on us. She is the one that choose to open her legs.”
“Really Andre?”
“Yes.” He then storms off to the porch looking at the street. Desiree is over with Zola. Taisha begins cleaning the kitchen not knowing what to do besides clean.
“Who could be the father? The only boys I’ve seen here was Jeremy and some other boy. Jeremy is only five years older than her but still wrong because she is a minor. He wouldn’t have done that. Right?” Taisha pauses scrubbing the counter, throws the rag and heads for the door.
“Where you goin’?”
“I need to do something. Desiree please come with me.”
“Where we going?”
“I think it’s important for you and I to talk come with me.” Desiree says good bye to Zola, looks over to her father not knowing what to say so turns and walks with her mother. “I don’t just want to jump into things but have you been dating this boy that’s the father?”
“Yes. We were seeing each other and legit I feel like I am in a Taylor Swift song.”
“Taylor Swift?”
“She’s basically a girl that sings songs about breaks ups, you’d love her.”
“Thanks sweetie.”
“Sorry, that was a bad dig. But still you’d love her. Ma’ what am I suppose to do? I know the father wont want to do anything. You and daddy constantly fightin’ and we come from a bad area. I don’t want to be a single mom and have this baby have half a life or not even that of what I had. I didn’t have it easy for sure but I couldn’t image raising someone to have less than I did. I am only fifteen. I would have no college degree. I have no work experience.” Desiree falls to the ground clinging her stomach. “Ma’am what am I to do?! Why did you choose to keep me? You were only seventeen when you meet daddy. But you graduate high school, went to college, got married, and then had me. You raised me right in that way. I want my daughter to have that to look up to. Why did I do this? I barely knew him. I don’t know what I did it. Why did I do that.” Taisha feels the pain of her daughter and all she can is hold her tight wanting to take this all from her. “Mom I’m so sorry.”
“No, no I’m here for you.”
“I was so stupid he was older and told me that he loved me. I don’t even know what that means.”
“When your emotional those are the only three words you want to hear.”
“Ha, yeah. And he has a stupid name anyways. What kind of name is Jeremy. Seriously.” Taisha body tightens up a little bit.
“Jeremy? Is he in your class?”
“Np he’s older, graduated. I was such an idiot.” Desiree begins to awkwardly laugh. “Remember that time I came home and yelled about a naked boy in the bath room?” Taisha nods her head. Of course she remembers she thought Jeremy was waiting for her. “Well I didn’t want you to get mad at me so I freaked out and had him leave. I was so silly.”
“No you weren’t sweetie.”

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