Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Been away, was unable to post.

Monica is curled up on the couch eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s while watching Grey’s Anatomy  off of her netflix. It’s when Meredith and Derrick have broken up because Derrick went with Addison. But now Addison and Derrick are done so they broke up, and Now Derrick wants Meredith. “See this is my life. Well not really.” She hold her stuffed animal that she has had since she was young closer in a pauty way. “I would not be sleeping around to begin with. But she is torn between someone. I keep meeting the same person. Just a different outside. When will I meet my guy.” Monica get up and walks to her apartment window. “The world used to be in front of me. Now I’m looking down at in wondering what on earth I’ve been doing.”
“Just enjoying the view?” Monica jumps from not know who or how someone could get in her apartment. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. You left the door open, I got worried someone broke in or something.” Mike is just standing there, not sure if he should turn and walk away or I will let him stay.
“Oh God sorry no! I forgot I had you coming over. Wow I am such a mess sorry. Here let me turn this off and put this stuff away.”
“Is that half baked?” Mike asks pointing to the Ben & Jerry’s Monica is trying to hide.
“Yes. Guilty pleasure.”
“Good choice. I would grab a spoon and do the same.”
“Hey if your down with veggying on my couch and watching grey’s with me, I would be a very happy girl.”
“Where can I get a spoon.”
“I’ll be right back.” Monica goes to the kitchen to grab a spoon for Mike with a huge smile on her face.
“Mind if I sit down?” Mike shouts from the tv room to Monica in the kitchen.
“Not at all. Make yourself at home.” Monica comes walking back in and hands Mike the spoon. Mike has kicked off his shoes and has his feet resting on the table in front of the couch. “Well you sure do look comfortable.”
Mike simply giggles. “Just making myself at home.”
“And that you did.” Monica sits down on the couch indian style to not get too comfortable to make a cuddling situation happening. “Wait I said earlier I forgot you were coming but I don’t believe we ever had plans. I don’t think I even have you number.”
“Oh yeah well I was talking to Andrew last night about getting fundraising together for and organization that I am a part of and he said for me to come speak with you. He says that you love getting involved in that kind of stuff and would know what to do.”
“Oh awesome. Yeah I love fundraisers and putting them together.”
“Okay well since I am clearly a guy and some of the people going are guys and the girls are active, we wanted to do something physical. I know people do concert or gatherings but paying for the food we would have to match then then go from there.”
“So like a race or some sort of competition. You could maybe on people sponsor the food or volunteer to help.”
“That is what we’re hoping. We want something were everyone could be involved and take part in.”
“Are you guys good at sports in general because could do teams for like volleyball or badminton since it’s now summer something outside to get people involved. While that’s going on have other games like ladder ball for those not competing to take part in. Something like a tailgating vibe but with something for everyone. It has to be open and spread for all those you know.”
“That would work. Volleyball people generally go all out for.”
Monica and Mike spent the night talking, both having some wine and talking about how to get the fundraising done. Who to speak to for what. Make notes of what should happen for all this to be done. Mike was told to take care of getting the word out to people for them to get teams together. Made it so teams would have to pay a fee in order to pay and that winners would get a meal paid for. While Monica could work on getting sponsors together to give food, give money because they know it would look good for their business and they would get tax write offs.
They then went on to talk about things they wanted to do with their life. Sharing stories of where they saw their life going. Mike thought he would do well at school and be able to use his degree pay off school and help set up things for those in need. He still wants to do all this but instead he is working with what he can to pay off school and looking for a job. While Monica saw herself living in another part of the country, meeting the one in college graduating together both establishing themselves in the world then settling down where her home is. None has happened for her. She cannot take full course load because live threw her a few curve balls and she is hoping to be finishing school and is single but doing what she loves so what was the point of a the plan besides to meeting someone.
When they turned and saw it was now two in the morning Mike said he should head out. Monica started picking up their glasses and the finished ice cream. Mike helped carry the things to the kitchen and they head for the door. Mike said good night and thanked Monica for letting him and speaking with her. They touched back to his purpose of coming being the fact that he was fundraising. He left and Monica just shuts the door and leans against it. “Wow, he did even try a kiss or a hug.” She shakes her head in amazement with a shy smile and heads to bed.

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