Friday, May 20, 2011

“What a night.” Andrew roles over hugging Monica. “How’d you sleep?”
“Oh just splendid.” She stretches out. Gives him a kiss on the cheek and makes her way to the bathroom wearing is tee shirt that is a night gown on her. “Score to not waking up with a hang over.”
“You always knew how to avoid those.”
“Fact.” Monica has the truth brush her her mouth giving a coy smile to Andrew. He responds with a smirk to walking up to Monica. He puts his arms around her waste.
“Yes please!” He kisses her neck and makes his way into the next room to the kitchen. “Is it possible to have some french toast?”
“As you wish.” Andrew starts getting the pans down. Monica looks over to Andrews bed. She has slept over here a lot of times but something felt different this time. Andrew stayed by her a lot of the night, which he does when there is drinking to make sure no douche could talk to her. But it was weird when she was talking to Jay, he knew Jay before. He stayed close. I don’t know Jay but with Andrew staying close made me question if Jay was legit about what he said.
Andrew could tell Monica was thinking from her stare. He knew better than to ask. She would put on a different face and talk about whatever was on her mind. Better to let her think and then have her come to him. “Sugar on the french toast?”
“Always.” She puts on a smile and makes her way into the kitchen to sit on the chair with her legs hanging off the side arm. “What did you think of Jay?” Monica ask while looking out the window. Andrew turn while beating the eggs for the toast to be dipped into.
“Which one was Jay?”
Monica turns back, playing with a napkin on the table. Andrew knows this guy was not just someone she is asking about to ask his story. “I was talking to him for some of the night. Maybe a little taller than me, worked for his family.” Monica pausing not wanting to give too much up about him.
“Oh yeah, he seems like a good guy.”
Monica sits up a little higher getting her friend approval. “Yeah I though so.”
“He’ll probably be at the party tonight. I think his close friend is throwing it.”
“I don’t believe he’ll be there.” Andrew looks up from his eyes with a confused faced. Just as he is able to ask, “He’s taken me out on a date.” Monica gives a coy smile. While Andrew almost drops the eyes. “Careful!” Monica jumps up to catch them as if she could save them. But Andrew gains his balance of them. Now Monica is on the floor from trying to run across the room and Andrew is holding the bowl of eggs like a child. They just end up laughing and curled up in balls.

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