Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is the last post for this story! Hope you've enjoyed!

Taisha begins driving like a mad women. She left Desiree with Zola saying she had to do something for work and would be right back. Desiree didn’t even mind she was so distracted but Zola gave her a good long lecture of being careful knowing all too well she was not going to do something for work. Zola heard the gossip about Zola and Andre, then Zola and a younger man named Jeremy. Now that Desiree was pregnant and the fathers name was Jeremy.
Taisha reached Jeremy apartment in record time. She goes storming up to his apartment and doesn’t even bother banging on the door. She uses her key and barges right in. “Jeremy, what the hell!”
Jeremy comes out of the bathroom in just a towel brushing his teeth. “Excuse me.” He looks absolutely dumb founded. Goes back in spits out the tooth paste and rinses his mouth. 
“Okay sleeping with me is one thing. But my daughter?! She is a minor!”
“Whoaahh wait a minute. I never slept with your daughter. The only time I meet her was when I was naked in you bathroom and she came to chase me and ask what I was doing. I never slept with your daughter.”
“Then how is she pregnant and saying your the father?”
“Jeremy is a common name. Sure you got the right one? Are you sure she’s even pregnant because I remember you saying she had a lot of issues and always wanted attention.”
“Jeremy she wouldn’t make up being pregnant!”
“Well did you just share big news with her?”
Taisha looks at the floor shying away from the truth Jeremy is saying. “Yes.”
“Maybe you should go back home because she knows where you are and she might do something.”
“Trust me. She knows where you are and she’s probably freaking out right now and will do something.” Without thinking Taisha gets in her car and drives home. Pulling down her road there are all these fire trucks, police. She throws her car in park and begins running down the street to see Zola’s house on fire. Zola’s on a stretcher being put in an ambulance but Desiree is no where to be found.
“Where’s my baby.” Taisha just crumbles. Screaming over and over, “Where’s my baby!” The fire fighter comes a long and picks up and and carries her away.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
The next morning Andre comes to Taisha bed room and just holds her. “Zola is doing better today they said by the end of the week she should be out of the hospital.” Taisha moves a little to just see the disaster left behind from the fire. Knowing not everything can be saved. “Taisha we need to go. The service starts soon.” Taisha can barely get up to move. But refuses to wear black. Instead she wears a white dress, sun hat, and dark sun glasses. “Are you sure you want to do this.”
“It’s about time I did some changing.” With that she headed out to the limo with a her daighter following in a casket and a limo saying ‘Just Married’.

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