Friday, July 29, 2011

Great so I got to this bathroom, next move. This is some serious stuff. Wake up hating my life and wanting something new and I sure did. Dead guy who is suppose to be me. But could this all be a set up? My friends have been telling me for years something needs to give me a slap in the face for me to get my emotional life together. So maybe when we meet I was talking about the people of the office and saying how they love this life and it is not my thing. But I need work and a life. Well work to pay for life I should say but come on, I just saw a fake me dead. Then guys with suits take me away.
Should I be speaking properly? If you expect that then you are looking into the wrong man head. No windows, so trapped. Trapped in my head, trapped in this weird world of today, and trapped with guys in suit. Great.
“Brooks times up.” The office comes in to my cradled in a ball on the floor. Sure I look like a guy who just broke down, but how should I look? “Or I could give you a minute.”
“Nah man.” I jump up and wander out with my hands in my pocket and walking like a hippy/hipster who just had a good smoke. Maybe that is what I missed out on. Only throwing back a few drinks and not doing weed. Seriously Charlie, this is what you decide to debate now. Well it’s started. “Man you ever smoke?”
“Smoke? No I don’t do cigarettes.”
“Not what I’m asking. Weed.”
“Brooks, I work for the government. Not going to share.”
“Right big brother and whatever. Obama smokes so I think your safe.” I turn into the office and the Lieutenant it waiting for me. “Hey man do you smoke?”
“In college, now Brooks have you ever left the country?”
“Yeah typical Mexico, Caribbean and cruise things. So in college you did weed? I feel like I’ve missed out from never doing it, do you think so?”
“Only if you feel like you’ve wasted your life with doing nothing. Doing nothing with your life and it’s not because of drugs is a waste. But Brooks did you have a twin?”
“Nah, only child. I think maybe my parents had a weird love child and never told me. That would probably explain a lot.”
“So as far as you know, there is only one of you.”
“I don’t think the world needs another one of you.” In that moment I hear and explosion and the officer suddenly jumps and grabs me shooting the Lieutenant and jumping through the glass. No one is in there but one man. He’s wearing a black suit and calm as ever. Something tells me to trust him.
Mind you trusting a man in all black, by himself behind a mirror where a man has just been shoot, yeah should totally trust him. I am freaking out. “Guess what the effity eff! Do you know what you just did. He, government, of shiiiii-”
“Shut up! We’re only wasting time. Sure he’s not better off dead?”
“He’s who we need.”
“Need for what.” We start running for the window. “Window! Window, nothing below it, We are so not on the first floooo-” The glass shatters around them, the are sailing through the air on about the thirtieth floor. “Hale Mary’s that is what I should probably be doing. Right, Officer that’s what you’d do. Wait your corrupt. I’m flying, no dying in the air ohhh-” Smacking into a foam thing was not my plan to the be through to and air craft. I should totally be that dead guy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The officer has been sitting across from me just starring at me in shock of my mother not caring I was pronounced dead. Is this real life? I am either in some weird scenario life where it is normal for cars to just come a long and take you. What is this? This morning my biggest thought was dealing with the type A people who are happy with life and car pool together. Now I have to figure out how I am not dead. Why would someone want me dead? Who is this wife they say I have? Where the eff am I? What is with me being the only one taken?
“Okay Brooks, so why are you not dead?” The lieutenant is walking through the door with a folder and a lot more paper in it than something from just the events of the day. I guess the government if always watching. “You seem like a normal enough guy. From Jersey getting a big job in the city. Smooth sailing. Why would someone want you dead? Since they wanted you dead and you seem like live life on this same schedule how could they mess up killing the wrong dude?”
“Yeah see I could totally be the dead guy. But I go to church. Nothing too out there. Not like joining Islam or Communist party.”
“Are you saying this is a terrorist attack?”
“No. What! Are you guys insane?”
“Calm down Brooks. Tell us why are you here?”
Why am I here? That is the big questions? Why am I here? Well lets see some dudes in a suit toke me away from where I was. Does that sound about right? “Lets see. I got to work. Went up to my office. Oh and right there was a dead guy!”
“I am compelled to treat you like a hostile witness.”
“Whatever. And I wasn’t even a witness I came in after you.” This is who is protecting our government. No wonder why firewalls are so easy to crack and we get bombed. These guys probably thought it would be an easy lay for them to wear the suit and a badge. I think they were twenty years off. Generation of technology buddies. “Can I pee?”
“Officer take him to the bathroom.”

Saturday, July 23, 2011

After what seemed like hours of driving I am brought into this garage which frankly looks like a place you bring a witness to, simply to kill them. That would be icing on the cake. They kill the wrong dude so have to cover it up with killing the right dude. Guess I don’t need to call my mother. “So guys I know I was suppose to die in my office and that would have been pretty epic, but changing it to a parking garage? Come on I know you can do better than that!” The Lieutenant guides me to this elevator he need to scan to enter. Not going to lie it was pretty sweet. He doesn’t say a word so I am assuming no one appreciates my comment. Still we shoot up seven flights of stairs and get to this floor where people seemed all hopped on coffee and adrenaline. “Now this is where I should have been working. You hiring.”
“Daniel take Mr. Brooks to the holding room. Let him use the phone to call whoever he needs. I am sure he must be hungry or thirsty so bring him that as well.”
“Yes sir. This way Mr. Brooks.”
Charlie is still awestruck by the office, and being offered complementary thinks. What kind of place could this be. “Got it. See ya Lieutenant.”
“Mr. Brooks do you need anything else Daniel will be happy to get it.” The Lieutenant leave them and walk up to his office which is at the top all glass so he can over see all that is happening in the office.
“Damn this place is like 24. Does Jack Bauer work here? Or Jason Bourne? Come on that would be awesome.”
“Follow me Mr. Brooks.”
“Damn no one has a sense of humor around here.”
Daniel stop turns and looks me right in the eye. “I understand your in shock or whatever this is your going through, but a man is dead. He was suppose to be you dead. Sure you feel like your given a second chance but show some respect and stop talking and joking like a prick.”
“Listen I know I say random things but I can’t help it. Filter has been shut down from dead dude, to car ride, coming to this secret place, people all crazy around me, so year I am doing to say some ridiculous things. Deal. I am not a terrorist or anything. Just a guy from Jersey living a life I was told I was. So embrace or just give me some food and a red bull.”
Daniel turns and bring me to this office with bagel, muffins, donuts and coffee. I have to wait on the red bull but hey this lay out is sweet. Daniel then brings in a phone as well. “You may want to tell people your not really dead. We will take care of the news.”
“I was on the news!”
“Mr. Brooks, a shooting happens in New York City inside of an office building where most the employees are white and many people shot, it’s going to make the news. This is the 21st century.”
“Right.” I grab the phone wondering if I am going to be left a long but does not see likely. I start dialing my parents. My mother is probably going to be hysterical.
“Ma’ it’s Charlie.”
“Charlie, your son.”
“Oh hi. Aren’t you suppose to be at work?”
“Yeah listen mom has anyone called you today?”
“Yeah why?”
“Did they call about me?”
“Yeah they said you were dead. But on the phone with you so they are clearly wrong.” Typically mother response.
“Alright ma’ I’ll get back to work.”
“Okay, that’s why you called?”
“Okay, don’t slack at work that wont pay off your bills.”
“Got it ma’ bye.” I hang up shock that my mother didn’t care I was dead. Who was that I was just talking to?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Everyone is frozen unable to move. I thought the worse thing of the day would be being late and dealing with everyone telling me how I’m late. Instead I come to find everything destroyed and a crime scene. Chills are running down my back. My feet feel plated to the floor. My bad is wet. Not a sweat wet. I find blood is dripping down the wall my body has found itself pushed against. Whose the one killed? Who could have done this?
“Sir I need you to come with me.” Oh he’s talking to me. All I can do is stair in confusion. He puts his arm on my arm. “Sir you cannot stay here. How did you even manage to get in. We’ve had the building sealed off for the last fifteen minutes.”
“How long?” I’m focused on the time. That is key to me for some reason.
“Fifteen minutes sir.”
“I was in the parking garage. I was sitting in my car.” I hope this is making sense. The scene going on around me is a blur. I see my desk. There is a man there, a bullet in his head. Was that meant for me?
“How long were you in there?”
“Maybe a half hour, maybe longer.”
“Did you see anyone coming in or out you did not recognize?”
“No. Same people as always.” The officer with me pulls a man by in a suit, I don’t recognize him.
“This man may have seen the killer.”
“Okay. I’m lieutenant Bryant. I sure the next few minutes are to be a blur and your wondering what you just came into. As far as we know. People walked in, they did not open fire, simply had one target. The man who is over at the desk belonging to Charlie, Charlie Brooks. Then people who went to use their phone or on their phone began to be targets. They cam up the elevator but went through the window on zip lines.”
“Did you say Charlie Brooks?”
“I’m Charlie Brooks.” The lieutenant and officer then look at each other. No sure I am standing and talking to them as I have been the man identified as the one killed at my desk.
“Excuse me but you are saying your Charlie Brooks? Works the logistic department here and does data analysis?” The lieutenant is looking at his clipboard for my life records, Hopefully he hasn’t notified my kin that I am dead. Would be a serious sick joke especially since my mother recently called and she said the only time she’ll get a call from me is hearing I’m dead. I should probably call her. I have at least a day or two to call her back.
“Yeah I do other stuff but I guess that is my official title. Your saying they went on a killing spry after killing me?”
“Yes. Though with telephones.”
“Wow, I knew people wanted to kill me but not that badly.”
“You think you know whose done this?”
“Oh I just meant I tend to piss people off. Not exactly a people person per say. Where are we going?”
“We need to get you out of this office so we are taking you back to the station for now to figure out if this was simply a shooting or a bigger plan.” Who knew.
“Lieutenant I’m going back up to get evidence and to correctly identify the victim. Umm, Mr. Brooks you may want to call your mother and wife.”
“Yes we called your place and a women picked up identifying herself as your wife.”
“I don’t have a wife. I’m only twenty-three, did she at least sound hot.”
“Mr. Brooks then I suggest you call your mother.”
“Ahh she’s fine I can give her a call tomorrow.” The officer looks so shocked by my manor he simply stars while the lieutenant has to pull my arm and guide me out of the building. I guess this was the life I was thinking of this morning. Now if women did not want to get with me before they totally do now, come on I am suppose to be dead but wrong guys killed. I am wanted dead. Just reached totally bad ass points.
Oh goodness listen to myself. Someone is dead. Not just someone many people because of me. Who would want to get with me? I better call my mother.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sorry for the wait

You’d think I would learn my lesson the first time. I grew up being a simple kid from the suburbs, went to college, and now have a job in the city. Basically what your told in high school the life you should have and many people try to reach that bar. Now I’m here sitting in my car dreading those minutes ticking down for me to walk into my office and ask how the eff did I get here. Look at my other coworkers walking in. They car pool. All like they’re friends and truly love their lives. It makes me sick. Guess I should get out of my car and head in. Look at my car it’s even a freakin’ BMW. I am the clique of what life I was told to live. I could be all suave and walk in with shades, lock the car behind me and own this building. But I know this building would be an easy hot shot and I could sleep with any girl I choose. Now I’m not a cocky guy but for this office I am one of the people who have a life out of the office, I work out, and I do a lot of volunteer work so I am a freakin’ catch.
The thing is women working in this office have no lives outside of work. All day they work and may go out one weekend night and it’s to blow off steam with girls they party with. Partying women, well they shouldn’t even be called women they are actually girls due to their actions, do not have true friends and don’t know how to be a friend. Why waste my time? Goodness. Take the elevator and be trapped with someone in it and either talk or stand in silence, I’ll that the stairs. This way it is passing by people not chit-chat and these people wouldn’t walk the stairs even if the building was on fire. I know sounds like a stretch but kids with trust-funds come from their own little world. I worked my way here, I commute from Jersey. I place these people probably think traveling from they need shots or something.
One floor down now only five to go. Sure I may be late to my desk but coming from the stairs looks better. My boss will simply look at me ask about the weather or something and then give me two task to do. routine is his thing. Three floors down, three to go. I wonder what could be on the menu this morning for breakfast. Maybe a muffin, or a bagel. Oh the options. Sixth floor. Made it, here goes nothing.
“Back away!” A police man is pushing everyone to the side. I see blood on the walls and shattered glass everywhere. Women crying and people puking. What just happened?!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Funny Story

Hey readers or those who are simply passing by, I have not posted in over a week and it due to being busy, not sure where to go with this story, and simply being outside enjoy the beauty than staying in on a computer. Well with this new story I have no idea where to go with it or what to do with is so I am simply going to scrap it for now. I may come back to it another day but for now I will be starting on a new story and will post that hopefully later on today and we shall see where that takes us.