Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Been away, was unable to post.

Monica is curled up on the couch eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s while watching Grey’s Anatomy  off of her netflix. It’s when Meredith and Derrick have broken up because Derrick went with Addison. But now Addison and Derrick are done so they broke up, and Now Derrick wants Meredith. “See this is my life. Well not really.” She hold her stuffed animal that she has had since she was young closer in a pauty way. “I would not be sleeping around to begin with. But she is torn between someone. I keep meeting the same person. Just a different outside. When will I meet my guy.” Monica get up and walks to her apartment window. “The world used to be in front of me. Now I’m looking down at in wondering what on earth I’ve been doing.”
“Just enjoying the view?” Monica jumps from not know who or how someone could get in her apartment. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. You left the door open, I got worried someone broke in or something.” Mike is just standing there, not sure if he should turn and walk away or I will let him stay.
“Oh God sorry no! I forgot I had you coming over. Wow I am such a mess sorry. Here let me turn this off and put this stuff away.”
“Is that half baked?” Mike asks pointing to the Ben & Jerry’s Monica is trying to hide.
“Yes. Guilty pleasure.”
“Good choice. I would grab a spoon and do the same.”
“Hey if your down with veggying on my couch and watching grey’s with me, I would be a very happy girl.”
“Where can I get a spoon.”
“I’ll be right back.” Monica goes to the kitchen to grab a spoon for Mike with a huge smile on her face.
“Mind if I sit down?” Mike shouts from the tv room to Monica in the kitchen.
“Not at all. Make yourself at home.” Monica comes walking back in and hands Mike the spoon. Mike has kicked off his shoes and has his feet resting on the table in front of the couch. “Well you sure do look comfortable.”
Mike simply giggles. “Just making myself at home.”
“And that you did.” Monica sits down on the couch indian style to not get too comfortable to make a cuddling situation happening. “Wait I said earlier I forgot you were coming but I don’t believe we ever had plans. I don’t think I even have you number.”
“Oh yeah well I was talking to Andrew last night about getting fundraising together for and organization that I am a part of and he said for me to come speak with you. He says that you love getting involved in that kind of stuff and would know what to do.”
“Oh awesome. Yeah I love fundraisers and putting them together.”
“Okay well since I am clearly a guy and some of the people going are guys and the girls are active, we wanted to do something physical. I know people do concert or gatherings but paying for the food we would have to match then then go from there.”
“So like a race or some sort of competition. You could maybe on people sponsor the food or volunteer to help.”
“That is what we’re hoping. We want something were everyone could be involved and take part in.”
“Are you guys good at sports in general because could do teams for like volleyball or badminton since it’s now summer something outside to get people involved. While that’s going on have other games like ladder ball for those not competing to take part in. Something like a tailgating vibe but with something for everyone. It has to be open and spread for all those you know.”
“That would work. Volleyball people generally go all out for.”
Monica and Mike spent the night talking, both having some wine and talking about how to get the fundraising done. Who to speak to for what. Make notes of what should happen for all this to be done. Mike was told to take care of getting the word out to people for them to get teams together. Made it so teams would have to pay a fee in order to pay and that winners would get a meal paid for. While Monica could work on getting sponsors together to give food, give money because they know it would look good for their business and they would get tax write offs.
They then went on to talk about things they wanted to do with their life. Sharing stories of where they saw their life going. Mike thought he would do well at school and be able to use his degree pay off school and help set up things for those in need. He still wants to do all this but instead he is working with what he can to pay off school and looking for a job. While Monica saw herself living in another part of the country, meeting the one in college graduating together both establishing themselves in the world then settling down where her home is. None has happened for her. She cannot take full course load because live threw her a few curve balls and she is hoping to be finishing school and is single but doing what she loves so what was the point of a the plan besides to meeting someone.
When they turned and saw it was now two in the morning Mike said he should head out. Monica started picking up their glasses and the finished ice cream. Mike helped carry the things to the kitchen and they head for the door. Mike said good night and thanked Monica for letting him and speaking with her. They touched back to his purpose of coming being the fact that he was fundraising. He left and Monica just shuts the door and leans against it. “Wow, he did even try a kiss or a hug.” She shakes her head in amazement with a shy smile and heads to bed.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally got to write again!

“So.” Shay is standing in front of Monica giving her a once over.
“Yeah?” She gives Shay a confused look and turns to Ruth for some help in this situation. Ruth has known Shay for years but has been no help.
“What’s that?” He points down to Monica’s drink.
“Water. Do you have an issue with that?”
“Nope.” He just shrugs back with a smile and walks away. Monica is just staring as he walks away.
“What was that?” Monica turns to Ruth not knowing what just happened.
“He respects girls that don’t drink.” Ruth just turns. The way she turned and walked on did not sit well with Monica though. Monica scans the room for Andrew. Finally seeing him in the corner she goes to talk to him.
“Andrew was there something going on between-” Monica turns to see Mike. “Oh I’m sorry I just saw Andrew and darted over here. How are you Mike?”
He just gives a little giggle. “I’m good how have you been?”
“Good. Sorry can I just borrow Andrew for a moment, I promise I will let him back. I mean I just have a question then he will be back. He will be right back here. Not even two minutes.”
“That’s fine.” Monica pulls Andrew away for a moment.
“What’s up?” Andrew looks a little confused about why she needed to talk to her so badly.
“Did Shay and Ruth have a thing?”
“Yeah they dated for like ever, they were even engaged, but he called it off two weeks before the wedding.”
“Oh shit.”

Friday, May 20, 2011

“What a night.” Andrew roles over hugging Monica. “How’d you sleep?”
“Oh just splendid.” She stretches out. Gives him a kiss on the cheek and makes her way to the bathroom wearing is tee shirt that is a night gown on her. “Score to not waking up with a hang over.”
“You always knew how to avoid those.”
“Fact.” Monica has the truth brush her her mouth giving a coy smile to Andrew. He responds with a smirk to walking up to Monica. He puts his arms around her waste.
“Yes please!” He kisses her neck and makes his way into the next room to the kitchen. “Is it possible to have some french toast?”
“As you wish.” Andrew starts getting the pans down. Monica looks over to Andrews bed. She has slept over here a lot of times but something felt different this time. Andrew stayed by her a lot of the night, which he does when there is drinking to make sure no douche could talk to her. But it was weird when she was talking to Jay, he knew Jay before. He stayed close. I don’t know Jay but with Andrew staying close made me question if Jay was legit about what he said.
Andrew could tell Monica was thinking from her stare. He knew better than to ask. She would put on a different face and talk about whatever was on her mind. Better to let her think and then have her come to him. “Sugar on the french toast?”
“Always.” She puts on a smile and makes her way into the kitchen to sit on the chair with her legs hanging off the side arm. “What did you think of Jay?” Monica ask while looking out the window. Andrew turn while beating the eggs for the toast to be dipped into.
“Which one was Jay?”
Monica turns back, playing with a napkin on the table. Andrew knows this guy was not just someone she is asking about to ask his story. “I was talking to him for some of the night. Maybe a little taller than me, worked for his family.” Monica pausing not wanting to give too much up about him.
“Oh yeah, he seems like a good guy.”
Monica sits up a little higher getting her friend approval. “Yeah I though so.”
“He’ll probably be at the party tonight. I think his close friend is throwing it.”
“I don’t believe he’ll be there.” Andrew looks up from his eyes with a confused faced. Just as he is able to ask, “He’s taken me out on a date.” Monica gives a coy smile. While Andrew almost drops the eyes. “Careful!” Monica jumps up to catch them as if she could save them. But Andrew gains his balance of them. Now Monica is on the floor from trying to run across the room and Andrew is holding the bowl of eggs like a child. They just end up laughing and curled up in balls.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I was looking for an answer to this guy while at the party but so over talking about him right now. At the event I was at there was no Mike or Shay, but there was the funny boy who to you has no name and you have not meet yet. This would be Jay. Best smile let me tell you. Great heart. Now before telling you everything let’s get into how we’ve meet. I was at an event now made some friends. Not the need to cling to my siblings for support. While talking to a new found friend the funny boy comes up says hi to his friend and then just walks past. First off rude. Now going out of first person. I will let the narrator tell the story of my life so I will stop butting in.
“Did that just happen?”
“Yep.” Ruth just nods bringing her glass to her lips.
“I don’t understand these boys. I went where people had money and thought you should know them already because of who their father way and knew generally what their bank account would have. These guys need to introduce themselves. They are not brought up at gatherings or making headline news.”
“Monica calm down. Damn is that Shay kid still bothering you?”
“Ruth, please. I could walk over that guy wearing six inch stilettos. That guy was straight up rude. Who comes into a group says hi and has a conversation. I then go to introduce myself. Which I am a lady, he should be saying hello to me. Then he walks off. Seriously?” Monica takes a sip of her glass, looks at the door and sees Andrew walking in. “Oh thank God.” Ruth looks up in surprise. “Andrew’s here I’ll be back.” Monica walks up to him. “Finally a sane person to talk to!” Monica throws her arms up to give Andrew a big hug.
“Always my dear. How are you?” Giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Fantastic. How about you my dear boy.”
“I’m doing well. Feel like I should be on the hunt for a wife whenever I enter this room. Weird feeling.”
“Trust me I hear ya.” Monica brings her glass to her lips and looks around. “At least you can openly talk to the guys and make friends without them thinking you want to marry them. The girls here bore me.”
“I’m sorry your left talking to the boys. I will introduce you to some guys.”
Monica smiles knowing she’s won. “Well Andrew let this night begin.” They link arms and walk into the party.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Well here goes another event. Goodness Shay is not here. I don’t get that kid. I want to get to know him though. Something about him just says to jump him. I know comes off dirty but not in a dirty way. Like he’s a legit dude and need to make him notice me. But seriously I am oh so noticable I don’t need to make a point of this. Right?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I see Mike and Shay in passing. Shay was a douche and did not deserve my time to just be let down. I fall for douches and they get boring. But Mike was such a sweet heart. I did the smile and wave hellos but that was about all. Even the nice adorable ones can be boring. I did the judging without really knowing. But I was quit surprise to come to learn on of my very close guy friends Andrew was getting close to Shay. It made no sense to me. I was talking with Andrew and Shay came up to talk with us. Yes I said us.
“Hey guys.”
“Hey man what’s going on.” They did the bro hug of one arm hand shake embrace let go.
“I’ve been good. How about you, hit any new trails this weekend?”
“Nah man been too busy. But this girl has had my bike all week and been riding.”
“You let her ride yours?”
“Dude she’s the only girl I will let ride. I probably wont even let my wife ride. But she’s an awesome rider.”
“Shut up Andrew, your going to let your wife ride.” I smile after nudging Andrew playfully and rock to the other side.
“Your the first girl I know to ride.”
“Seriously? You must got get out much.” Okay the was a dig. Please play off of it so I don’t seem like a bitch.
“I know I live in the woods, gosh.”
I giggle a little. “Damn you in the woods.” What a stupid comment. Did I seriously just say that? Monica just walk away.
“I know they don’t know life outside of it. You know there is a major city right?” Thank god for Andrew.
“I’ve heard of it. Large buildings and such. I should see it sometime.” Oh my goodness he can be sarcastic! No one outside of my family or my best friends can be sarcastic. Like don’t get me wrong some people think they’re, however they fail. They have one every so often they can pull off but this came so natural that you know he just said it. Was not thinking about it a while and just threw it out there. Dude who is this guy?
“Yeah man we were watch Entourage at this chicks place, she’s never seen the show. I thought she was straight up retarded. Who has people over and puts on a show they have never seen? We knew she was going to be the one to get offended to. Like this girl barely watched any sort of vulgar thing. Like just one line in a four hour movie would be vulgar and she will hate it.”
“Dude Entourage is an amazing show.” That’s right now I’m back in this conversation.
“You watch Entourage?” He just looked at me with a serious face. Kid are you judging me? What is with the stare?
“Yes, do you have an issue with that?”
“No it’s cool.” Shay then rocks back and walks away.
“What’s with that kid?” I just stare off and let Andrew give the answer of whatever he is thinking.
I’m sure you enjoyed my awkwardest state. But now with this story. I never wanted to date someone who isn’t my friend first. Honestly, world wind romances don’t last, and are so last season. It is not simply a friends with benefits thing either that is just so not classy. I want to marry my best friend and have them be with me everyday. I understand the concept that guys and girls cannot be just friends. They can if you realize they cannot be your best friend. Now let me start off the with the story of wilderness guy, is all started on a stormy night of me needing a rescue, this guy can out of no where and saved my life! No serious I’ll stop playing no night in shining armor simply your average joe, meet at an even thrown by my siblings friends where I knew no one. I clung to my siblings but saw this guy who seemed pretty quit and like he was in the same boat. So I made my way over and say hi.
“Hi, I’m Mike.”
“Mike? Nice to meet you I’m Monica.” We shake hand as a sign of meeting and acknowledgment. 
“What brings you out to the woods?”
“Well my siblings know the people here so I tagged a long. You say that like it’s a bad thing or something.”
“Oh no I didn’t mean it that way at all!”
“Okay good. But this is a pretty sweet set up they have here. I’m sure you could go riding anywhere.”
“You ride?”
“I know the dress and sandals don’t really play a part of a riding girl but I do.”
“Oh just don’t meet many girls that do ride.”
“Yeah people generally don’t get it, I was the only girl that rode at my school growing up. But we also lived in the suburbs so not a lot of places to go.”
“Oh yeah I don’t live around here but this is my friends place so we come here on the weekends.”
“This would be awesome to go riding. Do you ride quads or dirt bikes.”
“Well I borrow a friends bike.”
“Better than what I got, parents got ride of my stuff a few years back so now I just appreciate those who can still ride.”
“Hey Mike.” I turn and see this guy I swear is Mike’s age, maybe a little taller, and slightly hickish. 
“Hey man.” I am not sure about what to do they are both slightly starring at me. But this does not phase me. I come from a large family and slightly out spoken.
“Hi I’m Monica.” I put my hand out for an introduction. He shakes it.
“Hi. So Mike are you coming here tomorrow? Frank got a new mountain bike and wants to break it in.”
“Yeah I’m down with that.” They both just nod. I give I little glance over the crowd. No one really seems interesting.
“So I’m guessing one without a name you ride too.”
“Right and your not one for the art of conversation.” I now I must come off as a major bitch right now but seriously who just shakes a girls hand, talks to the person they’re with about plans and doesn’t offer up a name? Like come on. Okay I will try not to interrupt the story again.
“Umm. I just wanted to check with him for plans tomorrow. Sorry I’m Shay.”
“Nice to meet you say.” I then smile and just walk away.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I’m sure you enjoyed my awkwardest state. But now with this story. I never wanted to date someone who isn’t my friend first. Honestly, world wind romances don’t last, and are so last season. It is not simply a friends with benefits thing either that is just so not classy. I want to marry my best friend and have them be with me everyday. I understand the concept that guys and girls cannot be just friends. They can if you realize they cannot be your best friend. Now let me start off the with the story of wilderness guy, is all started on a stormy night of me needing a rescue, this guy can out of no where and saved my life! No serious I’ll stop playing no night in shining armor simply your average joe, meet at an even thrown by my siblings friends where I knew no one. I clung to my siblings but saw this guy who seemed pretty quit and like he was in the same boat. So I made my way over and say hi.
“Hi, I’m Mike.”
“Mike? Nice to meet you I’m Monica.” We shake hand as a sign of meeting and acknowledgment. 
“What brings you out to the woods?”
“Well my siblings know the people here so I tagged a long. You say that like it’s a bad thing or something.”
“Oh no I didn’t mean it that way at all!”
“Okay good. But this is a pretty sweet set up they have here. I’m sure you could go riding anywhere.”
“You ride?”
“I know the dress and sandals don’t really play a part of a riding girl but I do.”
“Oh just don’t meet many girls that do ride.”
“Yeah people generally don’t get it, I was the only girl that rode at my school growing up. But we also lived in the suburbs so not a lot of places to go.”
“Oh yeah I don’t live around here but this is my friends place so we come here on the weekends.”
“This would be awesome to go riding. Do you ride quads or dirt bikes.”
“Well I borrow a friends bike.”
“Better than what I got, parents got ride of my stuff a few years back so now I just appreciate those who can still ride.”
“Hey Mike.” I turn and see this guy I swear is Mike’s age, maybe a little taller, and slightly hickish. 
“Hey man.” I am not sure about what to do they are both slightly starring at me. But this does not phase me. I come from a large family and slightly out spoken.
“Hi I’m Monica.” I put my hand out for an introduction. He shakes it.
“Hi. So Mike are you coming here tomorrow? Frank got a new mountain bike and wants to break it in.”
“Yeah I’m down with that.” They both just nod. I give I little glance over the crowd. No one really seems interesting.
“So I’m guessing one without a name you ride too.”
“Right and your not one for the art of conversation.” I now I must come off as a major bitch right now but seriously who just shakes a girls hand, talks to the person they’re with about plans and doesn’t offer up a name? Like come on. Okay I will try not to interrupt the story again.
“Umm. I just wanted to check with him for plans tomorrow. Sorry I’m Shay.”
“Nice to meet you say.” I then smile and just walk away.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Welcome to the girl who got too much for the nice guy. I did like them don’t worry. One I truly had a crush on. From the moment I meet them I thought they were attractive. Being who I am I went straight up and started talking to them. One in particular was quit shy which I found adorable. SO I tried getting him to talk. He was a wilderness type of guy. It made me smile knowing he was basically innocent. I know sometimes they’re boring or they’re way too innocent that it just turn a girl off making you think they’re a child. But no this was simply adorable.
The next nice guy I thought was a little awkward and slightly a bit of a douche. But simply hard to get his humor. Oh goodness the kid I want to share more but I will let you form your own opinion of him.
Finally come the funny boy. Now this funny boy is legit refreakin’-diculous.. He has such an adorable smile, like I can’t even tekk you how adorable it is. Like when he smiles all I can do is smile. You know what that’s like.
Well this story revolves all around these three boys. Thankfully I have never hung out with all three of them at the same time. Well I can’t say that. We may have been in the same room but at large events. Never like out on the weekends together.
But let me giggle for a moment to let you know my life right now as I write this on of the boys I speak of is about fifteen feet away from me grabbing coffee with a girl. I just want to seriously laugh but I’m all a lone so it would be supper weird. If only I had a guy on call I could call right now. Oh fail.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New story!

Okay so I am going to give it to you straight. The world is full of fuck ups. Here is where mine came in, one girl and three guys. Not boys those you don’t want to even bother with. If you feel yourself calling a guy or men a boy, run! Also this is not anything freaky so those of you thinking to run away listen, you’re really going to miss out. But go a head turn away. Now for those of you staying listen here. For those of you young single ladies, not girls or whores or still in high school, but ladies you know where I am coming from. Your single and happy because you can stand firmly on your two feet and don’t need direction from anyone else. But having someone there to spend some time with and make you feel special, yes special not to question yourself - basically how a douche boy makes you feel, but just makes you smile.
Well here is my life with guys were making me feel special. Yes its plural that was not a mistake. The range of them falling in age was, one older, one my year, and one younger. I wasn’t cougar status or anything simply a puma but never saw that happening. Well every girl gives another girl props but we all just want to meet a good guy at the end of the day. I meet three. You may be wondering how on earth I was able to meet three nice guys, right place right time I guess. Nice guys are easily over looked because when on the prawl they easily go over looked. I was not looking for anyone I was simply trying to meet new people to get some friends, and so the story goes.
Well welcome to my story. A young lady trying to make some friends and end of crushing on some guys. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is the last post for this story! Hope you've enjoyed!

Taisha begins driving like a mad women. She left Desiree with Zola saying she had to do something for work and would be right back. Desiree didn’t even mind she was so distracted but Zola gave her a good long lecture of being careful knowing all too well she was not going to do something for work. Zola heard the gossip about Zola and Andre, then Zola and a younger man named Jeremy. Now that Desiree was pregnant and the fathers name was Jeremy.
Taisha reached Jeremy apartment in record time. She goes storming up to his apartment and doesn’t even bother banging on the door. She uses her key and barges right in. “Jeremy, what the hell!”
Jeremy comes out of the bathroom in just a towel brushing his teeth. “Excuse me.” He looks absolutely dumb founded. Goes back in spits out the tooth paste and rinses his mouth. 
“Okay sleeping with me is one thing. But my daughter?! She is a minor!”
“Whoaahh wait a minute. I never slept with your daughter. The only time I meet her was when I was naked in you bathroom and she came to chase me and ask what I was doing. I never slept with your daughter.”
“Then how is she pregnant and saying your the father?”
“Jeremy is a common name. Sure you got the right one? Are you sure she’s even pregnant because I remember you saying she had a lot of issues and always wanted attention.”
“Jeremy she wouldn’t make up being pregnant!”
“Well did you just share big news with her?”
Taisha looks at the floor shying away from the truth Jeremy is saying. “Yes.”
“Maybe you should go back home because she knows where you are and she might do something.”
“Trust me. She knows where you are and she’s probably freaking out right now and will do something.” Without thinking Taisha gets in her car and drives home. Pulling down her road there are all these fire trucks, police. She throws her car in park and begins running down the street to see Zola’s house on fire. Zola’s on a stretcher being put in an ambulance but Desiree is no where to be found.
“Where’s my baby.” Taisha just crumbles. Screaming over and over, “Where’s my baby!” The fire fighter comes a long and picks up and and carries her away.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
The next morning Andre comes to Taisha bed room and just holds her. “Zola is doing better today they said by the end of the week she should be out of the hospital.” Taisha moves a little to just see the disaster left behind from the fire. Knowing not everything can be saved. “Taisha we need to go. The service starts soon.” Taisha can barely get up to move. But refuses to wear black. Instead she wears a white dress, sun hat, and dark sun glasses. “Are you sure you want to do this.”
“It’s about time I did some changing.” With that she headed out to the limo with a her daighter following in a casket and a limo saying ‘Just Married’.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“How did this happen?”
“Are you really asking that? She was brought up in a broken home “
“Don’t put this on us. She is the one that choose to open her legs.”
“Really Andre?”
“Yes.” He then storms off to the porch looking at the street. Desiree is over with Zola. Taisha begins cleaning the kitchen not knowing what to do besides clean.
“Who could be the father? The only boys I’ve seen here was Jeremy and some other boy. Jeremy is only five years older than her but still wrong because she is a minor. He wouldn’t have done that. Right?” Taisha pauses scrubbing the counter, throws the rag and heads for the door.
“Where you goin’?”
“I need to do something. Desiree please come with me.”
“Where we going?”
“I think it’s important for you and I to talk come with me.” Desiree says good bye to Zola, looks over to her father not knowing what to say so turns and walks with her mother. “I don’t just want to jump into things but have you been dating this boy that’s the father?”
“Yes. We were seeing each other and legit I feel like I am in a Taylor Swift song.”
“Taylor Swift?”
“She’s basically a girl that sings songs about breaks ups, you’d love her.”
“Thanks sweetie.”
“Sorry, that was a bad dig. But still you’d love her. Ma’ what am I suppose to do? I know the father wont want to do anything. You and daddy constantly fightin’ and we come from a bad area. I don’t want to be a single mom and have this baby have half a life or not even that of what I had. I didn’t have it easy for sure but I couldn’t image raising someone to have less than I did. I am only fifteen. I would have no college degree. I have no work experience.” Desiree falls to the ground clinging her stomach. “Ma’am what am I to do?! Why did you choose to keep me? You were only seventeen when you meet daddy. But you graduate high school, went to college, got married, and then had me. You raised me right in that way. I want my daughter to have that to look up to. Why did I do this? I barely knew him. I don’t know what I did it. Why did I do that.” Taisha feels the pain of her daughter and all she can is hold her tight wanting to take this all from her. “Mom I’m so sorry.”
“No, no I’m here for you.”
“I was so stupid he was older and told me that he loved me. I don’t even know what that means.”
“When your emotional those are the only three words you want to hear.”
“Ha, yeah. And he has a stupid name anyways. What kind of name is Jeremy. Seriously.” Taisha body tightens up a little bit.
“Jeremy? Is he in your class?”
“Np he’s older, graduated. I was such an idiot.” Desiree begins to awkwardly laugh. “Remember that time I came home and yelled about a naked boy in the bath room?” Taisha nods her head. Of course she remembers she thought Jeremy was waiting for her. “Well I didn’t want you to get mad at me so I freaked out and had him leave. I was so silly.”
“No you weren’t sweetie.”

Monday, May 2, 2011

“Taisha why in the hell was that boy in your room?”
“He just stops by every so often. Nothing serious.”
“You were seeing him.” Andre can’t hide his shock.
“Don’t be so surprised Andre. I was and am a single women.” She licks the whip cream seductively gives Andre a little look then graces his side. “You just hate that someone else has had me.” Andre then grabs her arms pulls her close giving her a passionate kiss.
“He may have had you, but I’ve always had your heart.” This makes Taisha melt and she wants to give up everything to him now. They begin to kiss as though the rest of the world does not exist.
“Well look at you two, it’s like when you were teenagers all over again.” They both jump at the sound of Zola. Both hang their heads a bit when seeing Zola. “Now that you are back to grown ups do you know what this is doing to your daughter?”
“Desiree? She knows?”
“Yes ma’am. Saw you two this morning.”
“Oh crap!” Taisha put her hands on her head. “We didn’t want her to find out like that. We were both going to talk to her today when she got home and tell her.”
“Tell who what.” Desiree is walking through the door looking like she just ran the three miles from Andre’s to here. They all just tense up a bit and look at Desiree.
“Oh hey honey.”
“Honey? Oh god who died?”
“No one died.”
“Desiree just listen to your mother and sit over here.” Desire gives her father a look, angry but still does as she’s told. Then suddenly puts on a smile like nothing had happen and all is right in the world.
“Yes parents. What is this lovely news you must share with me.” She then puts her hands under her chin and bats her eyes.
“Desiree this is serious.”
Desiree clear her throat and leans back. “Of course.”
“Your father and I wanted to tell you that, we’re getting back together.”
“About time! I can’t have this baby belong to a single mother and divorce grandparents.”