Friday, April 1, 2011

For those of you who are the same page as me, I am one of those. Yes a morning person. I may not instantly be happy when I wake, however I am generally happy. Some days I pop right out of bed, others I may stretch and lay out, others I open my eyes and simply wonder how it is morning and what to do now. Then I will get up go about my morning business with brushing teeth and washing my face. You know the necessities to life to keep up hygenie and feel like a person rather than a disgusting slob that should not be let out into society. Lord knows there are to many ‘free sprits’ out there. However I am not one of those. I like to be a follower with that.
Any who then the hard part of the morning, what to freaking wear. It is that awkward time of year where you think you should be dressing warm simply because snow no longer exist however your still freezing your ass off. Go with typical jeans and cute top, now shoes. Boots can still happen. Uggs? Flats? Too cold. Sneakers? Nope ran this morning and so not going to be too crazy. Uggs to at least be comfortable. Of course it is not 7:30 and I still have to pack up all my stuff for class, get breakfast, water, and get in my car. Welp speeding to class I see. No matter what I will hit the three five traffic lights and two of them will be red. Just four classes and them home. Maybe I will grab a nap in my car to recharge from this lack of sleep. I am all done for being social but sleep used to be my friend.
Where was I, oh crap going to miss the turn for my school. Need to seriously where I am driving sometimes. Got all my stuff, food, water, now keys. Hopefully I locked my car. If not I am sure someone will try and jack my stuff. Oh class. Thank you professor for greeting me each morning. This class I used to be interested in and put my input until the professor learned so many names and would not remember mine no matter how many times I spoke. So over it. I wonder if anyone is awake enough on facebook. I cannot be the only awake sole. Even though people probably haven’t updated their statues.
“Hey Kel.” Sami says as he sits down for class. Looking the same as always but today he seems different. Goodness how I want that boy to get a real sweet girl. He’d be an amazing boy friend.
“Morning. How was your weekend?”
“You know, did my thing. Where were you.” Nodding his head in his gangster like way. One of the true reason I love Sami, gangster but total sweetheart.
“You know, ‘doing my thanng’.” We both giggle. “Nahh seriously just chilled with some people, nothing too crazy.” That is one thing that is nice. My life can go to complete crap but friends are always grounded and wont do anything ridiculous. Well maybe a little ridiculous.
“Your doing it again.”
Snapping back to reality. “Doing what?”
“Talking to yourself. You use to be better at covering it up. You must be stressed out.”
“Oh. Didn’t even realize how much I have actually been talking to myself. Stressed yes. Handling it, not so much. Working on it.” I smile to not show how truly embarrassed I am. It is one thing to be caught by a stranger, I will never see them again. But in class talking to a friend. Fail. I should at least be paying attention to what they’re saying.
“What’s been going on?”
“Nothing. Work, school, family. You know. The works. What about with you?”
“Kelly, come one-”
“Class it’s eight so I guess we should start.” Yes professor you begins while I write random things that are written on the board and we shall continue on with this relationship.

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