Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who did Kelly choose? Josh the guy who has her in lust or the nice guy who had her heart? This is a question awaiting a answer. Josh is still apart of my life. Seems crazy right? How could we not get together after all that. But Josh we were caught up in the moment. Those who live in the moment of things can’t last. Since we couldn’t last you would have to think I went with the nice guy.
That would be a great story. Kelly girl finding her way getting a nice guy. Yeah that’s got a nice ring to it. You would hate that ending wouldn’t you? But everyone story has chapters in it. You got a good chapter of Kelly’s life. Might be the beginning something, while I’m ending in the middle. Or it could be the end of something completely.
The nice guy is a friend. Yep don’t all nice guys just end up being your friend? I wanted more to come out of this guy. I told you he had my heart. But once he got a chance he kept the receipt. Every receipt has a time period to make a return. He just cut it close. Who knows if the nice guy will try again. I don’t see it happening. He tried. Guess you’ll just have to wait for the next chapter of Kelly.

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