Saturday, April 9, 2011

  Has my head back handed you enough? Yes these are different days. The one with Josh and I was before the date I had with the nice guy. I know my brain jambles around and maybe you realized what was going on but who freakin’ knows. But this is my story. The Kelly story. This is my life. And now here I am, it is the end of the week. I have not seen either one of them and I am about to see both of them. Together. No friend to take with me. Going solo to a party with no clue what to expect. I could go and talk to the nice guy, but who wants to lead anyone on. Or I could talk to Josh and see what happens.
I could take longer to get ready. That would really delay things. That wouldn’t be right. But before telling you about life now, we should get back to how I got here.
Ride Home
“Again sorry about the movies being sold out.”
“Oh no it’s fine. I am just exhausted.” I truly am. I barely sleep anymore and I was at work all day.
“I understand. I’m tired too.” Yeah if only I was not only physically tired. Tired of this conversation and just want to run home. It is not too far of a run. Wait that’s too obvious. “Thank you again for going out with me.”
“Oh no problem.” No problem? Did I seriously just say that? At least he knows the way back to my house so I am not that strained for making a conversation. I guess this shouldn’t really go anywhere. Just get me home. It is only a quick drive. Oh there is my street. You have not looked this good in a long time. So close. I can’t just run out of the car that is simply awkward. “Okay well thank you again for getting me.”
“It’s no problem. And for the final thing in this evening which I have never done before.” Oh God please don’t be a kiss, please don’t be a kiss.
“Umm, what?”
“Walking you to your door.”
“Ohh. Well front door is always locked and we don’t have a key for it.”
“That’s fine.” I will not kiss you! This could seriously be awkward!
“Kelly?” Okay why did I just hear Josh. “Kelly!” I turn and see him pulling into my drive way.
“Who’s that?” Nice guy, so sweet. Now worlds are colliding.
“Friend from school. Thank you again for tonight sorry I have to deal with this.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay.”
“It would probably better if you leave.”
“Okay give me a call later.”
“Will do.” I just stand there as he makes his way back to his car and Josh gets out of his and starts walking towards me. This cannot be good.

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