Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Since I reach over 700 views I'm in a good mood, so double posting today!

Me again. Enjoying all these fun times of my life. I know typical girl journal right. Or at least Hollywood movie. Annoying right? But yeah this was my life. Kelly story of a time of drama! But come one isn’t it good? You just want to know who I end up with. Do I end up with anyone? I may just be screwed over. But that is just to confuse you. I needed to give myself a break from figuring all this out. I thought you might too. Now a lot of all this mess has slightly died down. I didn’t say it is all figured out. Just died down. Or at least that is what I am telling myself. Now that is not to confuse you just how I simply see the situation.
So who are you rooting for the nice guy or Josh? The nice guy did take me out on a good date. We did have fun. My mother tells me that maybe he was just nervous about everything and that is what’s going on. Don’t think I tell my mother everything but if a guy comes to take me out on a date and I say it isn’t going to happen again she is going to put in her input. It’s a mothers thing I guess. She knows nothing about Josh. Goodness privacy people. I don’t know do you guys really think he is simply nervous. He is extremely conservative, maybe a little sheltered and no used to girls like me. I don’t mean to sound conceded but I am kind of a rare girl with the way I think and talk if you couldn’t tell by being inside my mind!
But yeah are you sick of hearing my thoughts and just want to see where things go with Josh and the nice guy? I figured.

Phone Call
“Hello.” Waking up with a morning groggy voice to answer the phone. Didn’t even check the id.
“Kelly, hey is this a bad time?”
Yes. “No, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to explain myself from the other night. Would you be free to grab coffee later?” Who is this? Oh wow nice guy. Right. What does he need to explain? Why is he calling me? Oh right caused I got angry about his asking me about drinking. Why the hell would he ask me about that? He’s crazy. This will be interesting to hear what he has to say.
“First what is today?”
“Okay I should be. What time?” Give me time to wake up shower.
“Does two work?”
“What time is it now?”
“It is noon.”
“That should give me time to shower and get out of bed. Where?”
“This twenty questions?”
“Good sir do you want to meet for coffee?”
“Then yes it’ll be twenty question since you are to make the plans and I simply show up. If not then I will return to my slumber and will see you when I see you.”
“Alright. I hear you. Two in coffee shop on the corner of glen and oak. That work for you Ms. Who Enjoy Her Slumber?”
“Yes. I might be fifteen minutes late though” give a pause for him to sign in his mind but not enough time to respond, “kidding. Now jumping in the shower so bye!”
“Your crazy. See you soon.” Now lets get some banging music for me to shower to and some adorable sweats so it does not look like I’m trying but makes my ass look awesome for him to wonder why on earth he would ever talk to me the way he did. Nahh not worth him wanting me more. Just jeans and boring top.
Oh crap I’m suppose to meet Josh later! Was that this afternoon?! Well nice guy best be quick so I can make it to Josh’s. Guess you’ll be getting a more dressed up look then you were expecting. Enjoy it.

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